Obama still will receive my vote... I think health care for all citizens of the United States is long over do..How can we say we are a nation that cares for her people when we can't give something that other nations give, which is health care... I also like the Credit Card Bill of rights that prevents arbitrary rate hikes and makes contracts clear which was badly needed in a banking industry that has/had run amuck. I also enjoyed his small business tax break that help me with obtaining insurance for my employees. My wife love that he added money to the Violence Against Womens Act, a cause that she donates time and supports...She also likes that he significantly cut prescription cost for Medicare clients, as a nurse she has seen how not being able to afford medicine can affect someone. My mother being a teacher for "children with special needs" appreciated that he added 12 billion for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act..My list is long of what this man has accomplished and I don't see any candidate that even comes close to doing what this man has done or has tried to do...
Ron Paul lost me on his Civil Rights issues...No I don't think that I should have the right to ban people out of my business just because.... He feels I do..Property Rights will never override Civil Rights with me....but some things he says I do like, but that Civil Right issue closed the door on him with me..