Who knows about fans then?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys,

My obsession at the moment is getting the noise down in my grow room.

I doing very well and am fairly happy so far i have used,

Acoustic Aluminium Flexible Ducting (Very good works great)

Fan noise silencer 1.m (Very good)

Now i have a TD-160 INLINE FAN which is what i use to vent air out and this may well be the weak link probaly not that quiet, how loud is it, not sure how long is a piece of string?

So i'm am looking to buy a Ruck Acoustic ISO Extractor Fan- 125mm there not cheap so how good are they for noise anyone know???? I would also be looking to vent with it about 4-5 metres using Acoustic Aluminium Flexible Ducting it will hopefully vent three small tents linked via T ducts each tent also with a carbon filter will it be enough to pull the air out of the three small bud boxes given it's only a short run???


Well-Known Member
Hello thanks for the reply,

The 3 tents are 0.75m x 0.75m x 1 metre high and each will have a carbon filter.

The total ducting length Acoustic Flexible Ducting in total will be about 5 metres long after linking all tents.

They will then be connected to the fan which will then have a silencer also on the output.

The tents will be next to each other 3 metres from start of first tent to last tent etc,

So what you think strong enough fan?

And can you use a 400w HID in a small tent? of the sizes i am thinking of above?

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
If my math is right, you have about 56 cubic feet of space you are trying to vent. That fans specs certainly are enough to do the trick but when you add a filter, muffler and the ducting it will drop considerably. As long as you keep your duct as strainght as possible that will certainly help. Remember, each time you add a filter or muffler, it is reducing the efficiency of the fan. I have always used the theory of overkill when it comes to fan size. I wish I could be more specific but without seeing your total setup, it's hard to give exact answer. I use a Vortex 424 CFM with a filter in a grow room that is 55 CF and it does great. However, it's not the quietest fan either. Mixing stealth and fans can be very tricky.

As far as you using a 400 HPS for that size grow, I would use a cool tube to cool it. Otherwise, you will be so limited in heighth that it would not be worth the money. A 400 HPS will put off a bunch of heat without a cool tube or reflector. You will need to keep the light cool enough that your plants can grow within a few inches of it. You can use it but please vent the heat or your results will not meet your expectations.

Good luck with your grow and I wish I could be of more help. I have dealt with venting issues before and it can get frustrating. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Here is a picture attached to give you an idea of what i'm thinking.....''

My second important question which has a few hydro people baffled so here it is,

If i can run a 400w in a tent 1.6 metre high (Based on plants a foot high only) with no heat issues. So note: basically i'm only really using half the tent.

Could i run the same set up in a tent 1 metre high. (Based on plants being only a foot high same as above)

The question is given there is less space but because the carbon filter is closer to plants and light would this then improve the air movement and more importantly the removal of heat better????????????

