Who knows of 2012,

I have heard of the NWO, but I'm not sure if I've heard of the idc. "Do you just believe everything your told,do you just believe everything your told." - SouthPark(lol)
AH...the fun conversation of life & death. Guess what? They do not exist. Life & death are simply two CREATED words to describe two different phases of existence. We are essentially energy & everyone knows that energy can be created, but NEVER destroyed. If you fear dying you must first realize you are living in fear. Once you abandon fear(it's hard I know)you'll realize the truth.
I thought you were responding to me, perhaps I was wrong? You said " just meant I don't care"
AH...the fun conversation of life & death. Guess what? They do not exist. Life & death are simply two CREATED words to describe two different phases of existence. We are essentially energy & everyone knows that energy can be created, but NEVER destroyed. If you fear dying you must first realize you are living in fear. Once you abandon fear(it's hard I know)you'll realize the truth.

This is true.

Did you know that mass could be a figment of our imagination, and what we are perceiving as mass is really just a different form of energy? Quantum physics and string theory are some deep shyt. I love it!:mrgreen:


Yes I did. It is said(don't know if it's true) that the physical world around us is just a manifestation of either the love or hate in ourselves. Really sounds convincing when you look around the world these days. They refer to this in Esoteric Agenda. WeTaRdED you should read up on some of Gregg Braden's work if you into all this stuff & yeah it is deep.
wow lol.

well you may not care about your life but normal people do. i don't know how you say "life" doesn't exist when you can see yourself and other creatures roaming the planet.

that is just straight up idiotic.
You sound like a close - minded person. You don't understand what I'm saying. You are alive right so that makes this life? Wrong. It's whatever you want it to be. Someone told you this was life & death! You are just chosing to follow that belief - nothing wrong with that - they are decent words, but I just don't belief in them. I consider myself a form of energy physically manifested into a physical world & when the physical world ends for me my energy will then travel into the spiritual world of energy.
makes sense but i think life exists and death is just a phase.
but i don't think this is the only life we live. this is just the first life, the mortal life, that we live through before we can become immortal beings (after death).

i have a feeling we humans are going to be instructed about this stuff by our celestial friends soon. whether they be aliens or angels. ;)

there's a group of people really pushing to get congress to speak to the world about what they know about celestial beings and why they have been visiting us for some time. they say it's time for humanity to focus on a galactic unity with whoever is out there.