who likes puzzles


Well-Known Member
let me give you a little info so were on the same page. i have a wooden box built 4 ft by 4 ft by 7 ft.i am using a 400 wt hydrofarm hps iweeded out the males so i am down to 4 plants with this grow (by the way i am a toal newb on my first grow) of my 4 that i have to are doing great look healthy....but 2 on the opposite side of my 3 foot by 3 foot ebb and flow system ....one is starting to bud but the fan leaves are curling ,at the tops by were the flowers are growing, and the other one started to grow like crazy sative and shot up , but now it doesnt want to show if its a male or female i dont see anything that resembles either one but all the tips or drying out and turning brown .
2 plantsor during great and 2 are having magor issuesany ideas
my ph was set at 6.2 so i brought it down to 5.6 what my nuts say is optimum ...i have complete line of fox farm nuts and my ppms are at 1190 the temps highest its been is75 to 85 and humidity 45 to 60 percent and im running co2 at the recomended level based on my size box. i feed 3 times a day with a 15 minute fill and drain i have pics of the healthy and of the sick ones



Well-Known Member
I no idea how you are manageing to keep a room that size cool you must have a lighting fan or something i struggle sometimes and my areas alot bigger.Most of the problems that you get will be down to air movement and stagnent air been pulleout.great way of heating your house if you have a wooden floor put the duckting under the floor this intern will heat your home why waste all of that good air in winter.


Well-Known Member
I no idea how you are manageing to keep a room that size cool you must have a lighting fan or something i struggle sometimes and my areas alot bigger.Most of the problems that you get will be down to air movement and stagnent air been pulleout.great way of heating your house if you have a wooden floor put the duckting under the floor this intern will heat your home why waste all of that good air in winter.
in the area that im at heat is a little problem but i have 4 small inline fans blowing in ,6 pulling out at the top of the box , a moving fan mounted to the side
and a out take fan that pulls the heat away from the plants and out of the box into the attic, so hopefully i should not have to much stagnate air ....the only time most are the fans are of is wen co2 is bieng pumped in accept for one that moves the co2 around, i just cant figure out why i have 2 good plants and 2 sick ones but i guess thats what i get for bag seed with widely different strains


Well-Known Member
sativas do not like high fert levels- that clawing is consistent with over fert-back down the nutes. are these pics all of the same plant? overnuting leads to excessive transpiration leading to crispy leaves-and sativas are known to be late bloomers.
also, if you havent flushed your rockwool cubes in a while good time to do so as I could almost see, pics not the best-K deficiency from excessive salts-what are your res temps?

here is a very good read if you take the time to go through it all:


Well-Known Member
also the excessive air movement will not help with them drying out. try raising your humidity and cut down on the cir through the plants. they look pretty bad. Ican see the start of some other deficienices. flush that res, drop those ppms, leave out the grow or N nutes for a week or so. excessive N will delay budding in your sativa.


Well-Known Member
ok kool now i have a dirrectioon to head towards i also think it might be my nutes but i was little confused with 2 plants doing real well and 2 really doing bad but i think i should flush for a couple days because there is nothing worse then grow in a plant from seed then having to get rid of the males just to have the last ones wither away like they are doing so ill try to save them (...good things i made alot of clones