Who likes to take naps?


Well-Known Member
I have enough trouble sleeping at night, no way I can get by with naps. It's strange really, I've been having similar dreams every night for the last 6 or 7 months. It's either some government breaking down our doors and firing on people, or copters flying overhead and chaos. Except 100x more detailed with variations. Same type of shit. Different night.

Maybe I should see a shrink about this.
I just went through months of insomnia because of a slight addiction to benzos. Not being able to sleep is torture. Some days my eyes hurt and I couldn't even form a complete thought. Never again. I feel for anyone who goes through it.
I saw a family member die right in front of me, ever since that my sleeping schedule has been fucked! Im lucky if i get a few hours of sleep, and it's never when I'm suppose to sleep at night, its always like in the after noon.
You got that right dannyboy.
It's one thing to just stay up for a long time, but a whole different ballgame when you can't sleep. The brain just goes into dumbass mode, and the body just flat out says F-you. LOL
I hear that bro, I'm tired 24/7 7 days a week, always got bags under my eyes, people think i do serious drugs lol.
I have enough trouble sleeping at night, no way I can get by with naps. It's strange really, I've been having similar dreams every night for the last 6 or 7 months. It's either some government breaking down our doors and firing on people, or copters flying overhead and chaos. Except 100x more detailed with variations. Same type of shit. Different night.

Maybe I should see a shrink about this.
You aint alone bro, i got some crazy dreams to, shit that don't even make sense


Well-Known Member
Yeahhahah, I've had dreams that I couldn't try explaining if my life depended on it. Makes you wonder... what our minds... are really... capable...............................of.


Well-Known Member
Yea, its kind of scary if you think about it. I've had some twisted ass dreams that there's no way I could have come up with that stuff awake. Lmao


Well-Known Member
Rofl. Like floating, morphing yellow shapes traveling down an all white infinite hallway slowly. Who the fuck dreams that? Oh, there was also one of those barber shop spinning candy cane looking things on the wall.
I always have dreams about people from my past. but like random people I haven't seen or thought about in years. I would understand if i had dreams about people i see on a daily basis, because my brain sees them 24/7, but i would dream about people i talked to like once in my life 10 years back who i didn't even remember existed lol.


Well-Known Member
Nice responses. Yeah when I was a kid mom put me and my sis down at the same time. Then she'd come back to find us in adjacent cribs using our own excriment as ammunition to throw at each other. Yes we were very close then. Too bad she turned into a coke addicted thieving bitch. Wonder if she takes naps now?
prolly after a three day binge and a really good hit


Well-Known Member
I saw or read that dreams, as crazy as they are, are simply our brains way of making sense of the world. I like dreams where I'm flying. It's a great feeling. I rarely have sex dreams which is strange. I've never dreamt of RIU, as much time as I spend here. Dreaming of my dead family makes me very emotional and longing when I wake up. Wish my dreams were more predictable instead of random and crazy impossible.


Well-Known Member
I dreamt 3 nights in a row that i'd gone to my tent and found all the plants dead, missing, ot the weirdest one was when moths and worms had stripped everything back to the stalks. In the dream I handled it quite well!
I guess that was all about my subconscious dealing with nerves about my first indoor. That and i'd been spending quite a lot of time in the Defoliation threads that week....

the church man

Well-Known Member
^^^^ lol

I nap everyday I can... I can only sleep for 4hrs at a time, so usually from 3a-7a and 3p-7p... On days that I work 12 hour shifts I'm exhausted but then just sleep six hours that night...

I haven't dreamed in years, don't even remember what that's like. I just wake up immediately, no delay.


Well-Known Member
It's Like, I don't care about nothin man, roll down the bedspread..., Yea (ohh ohh ohh), La da da da da da La, Da Daaa, La da da da, La da da da, La da da daaa I was gonna clean my room until I took a nap... I was gonna get up and find the broom but then took a nap... my room is still messed up and I know why (why man?) yea heyy, - cause I took a nap... - cause I took a nap... - cause I took a nap... (La da da da da da da da da) I was gonna go to class before I took a nap... I coulda cheated and I coulda passed but I took a nap... (La da da da da da da da da) I am taking it next semester and I know why, (why man?) yea heyy, - cause I took a nap... (La da da da da da da da da) I was gonna finish this song...but then I took a nap... ZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz