You know, I wasn't going to make an issue out of something that is ostensibly a non-issue, but after seeing you out and about in the forums, I'm going to speak a little peace.not me officer
Rogue chemists indeed. You're right on. Though I never thought the components were particularly easy to obtain.After some insomnia, I got curious to see how to make legit LSD. After reading one of the longest step by step procedures I have ever seen with chemicals I have never heard of, I thought to myself, "who actually has the resources, the time and the knowledge to make this stuff?" It's out there. I've bought it off the streets, so someone must be making it. I mean I know people get really crazy when it comes to drugs, but nowadays meth is all the rage (out west anyway, I won't try the stuff though) and is easier to make (due to the somewhat availablity of its components). So where is it coming from? Rogue chemists?
You'll need hundred upon hundreds of seeds. At -least- over 200 for any threshold experience. Cold water extractions work i got a bunch of morning glorys in my yard.. GOT RECiPE?
Yeah, I've done some quality research into extracting DMT and crystallizing it. Having never done it or having no way of acquiring it bar making it, I just don't think it's worth the effort. I was heading on the path for growing some shrooms. I was about to order everything and go get all the supplies when my family had a run in with the DEA (no one got arrested besides our landlords) and it spooked me. So I'm waiting the end of summer when I'm in a more private place.If you want to manufacture something that's easier, GHB, DMT and Salvinorin-A are feasible. It's difficult to obtain GBL anymore, but DMT is found in most complex organisms, and the process of making a highly potent extract of Sally-D is not overly difficult for the educated. Making crystals, however, is a bit more difficult.
You're also the guy that thought that recipe with the wine and cherries was acid...i make lsd hit me up![]()
I think its youre frame of mind and the people youre trippin with.I used to get it really cheap in the bay area but its been awhile.i was thinking about making a trip was $55 a sheet of 100 us dollars.PEACEAnd why is it that one flavor of lsd is a diffrent trip fom another? Like one kind would make me see celtic knotwork all over thewalls andanother makes me see aztec /inca art? anybody notice this? I had frinds who reported the same experience.
Is that store? I go the city every other month. Do you just name drop or what? Reno's all dried out at the moment and I'm really looking hard...Anyone from the bay area?I used to get it at rockin robins in haight!!!!