Who makes LSD nowadays?


Well-Known Member
After some insomnia, I got curious to see how to make legit LSD. After reading one of the longest step by step procedures I have ever seen with chemicals I have never heard of, I thought to myself, "who actually has the resources, the time and the knowledge to make this stuff?" It's out there. I've bought it off the streets, so someone must be making it. I mean I know people get really crazy when it comes to drugs, but nowadays meth is all the rage (out west anyway, I won't try the stuff though) and is easier to make (due to the somewhat availablity of its components). So where is it coming from? Rogue chemists?


Well-Known Member
Yes. I was researching this myself last night =P Of course with LSD, since such small doses are used (80-400ug) and average yield is ~20% on precursor material quantity, making a few dozen batches to equal 1oz would supply the needs of the world for a while (one gram is 100,000 normal size hits), and it can be stored for great lengths of time in the right conditions. LSD is one of those drugs that people dedicate their lives to it seems.


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about this the other night, and wondering the where it all came from too.


Well-Known Member
Check into extracting DMT from MHRB. Like DMTer said in another topic "Google Noman's tek-DMT for the masses". KT Botanicals sells a kilo of Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark for cheap.:mrgreen:

It would take a lot of resources to produce LSD properly. We used to get it from The University of Florida campus!:peace:


Active Member
I heard that once you get the whole set up to make it, the ingredients and stuff for it is really cheap, it's just the set up and the process is time consuming, plus you gotta know wtf you're doing. I'm a biology major, and I've gotta take chemistry classes, but I don't take enough to get wtf to do.

Someone does though. That's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
Well, the basic basic precursor is Ergot infested rye. At least what I am reading says that. Of course starting from infested grain would at least triple your work load.


Well-Known Member
It comes from chemist who want to make a quick buck! Most of the LSD back in the day was made by some harvard chemists named pickard and apperson, theyre both in jail now though


Well-Known Member
isnt it fast to produce compared to DMT where you got a month wait...?? i was under the impression that it was lesss than a week production time??


Active Member
thought there was a plant called morning glory that you got lsd from.. shows how much i know... dirty stuff anyway...


Well-Known Member
Specially in the case of acid where the end product is worth litterally 1000's of times that value of it components...


Well-Known Member
I guess it is quicker than trying to make money as a legitimate chemist, but it's definitely time consuming for a chemical process (several days of 24 hour surveillance) and the initial investment would be so large that unless you happened to be in a situation with a large distribution system already set up, it would be a while before you saw a profit.


Well-Known Member
ergot fungus is monitored closely by the gov. they keep track of how much is produced and where it all goes - mainly to chemistry labs that are researching other stuff and don't care about making LSD.