Who makes these and where/how can I get one??


New Member
I have been digging all over the place and I can't for the life of me find the artist that makes them or where I canget one! I found these two pictures onGoogle and they look like they were made by the same artist. They are bothtiny, have tiny (removeable?) snapper bowls, and have colored spots on thebubble base. I can't find themanywhere online and I am alwayslooking in my local smoke shops andInever find anything like it! I really want one! So does anyone know whomakes these and how I can get one?And for that matter any glass blowers that happen to see this, could youmake me one? Thanks!
Screenshot_2015-05-12-12-56-30-1.png Screenshot_2015-05-12-12-56-56-1.png


Well-Known Member
My authentic suggestion to you
Is to find out if there is a festival like hempfest or a cannabis expo to
Attend near you. I know the hundreds of vendors that may have a tiny bubble bong tucked away but these really are made by the ton and often found in your local bodega or headshop. Depends on what you're looking for but the online game gets very tired.


If you get active on the forums BoroMarket you should be able to find something very similar to this through the artists direct category. There are tons of guys who make small pieces like this selling them on that website all day. You will need a subscription but you will definitely find what you are looking for through that website.