Who Murdered Ivana

Being that the Orange shitstain worship dictatorships and how they “ handle “ various individuals …

Maybe he took to the Book of VLAD … like that hanging pinata jeff epstein.

Ol’ Micro Dick probably did a sacrificial lamb to get out of deposition…. Bingo card at the ready .

Rudy gonna slip on his hairdye or a wind turbine will magically clobber him.
The truth is out there plain as day. Please watch this YouTube video from self proclaimed investigolist Bob Jeffrey made inside a Volkswagen bug. It's the only truth there is.

#freeivanka #ivanaknewtheTRUTH
Crazy how MSM has literally more articles on how Ivana was supposedly not murdered than the war in Ukraine, inflation, and heatwaves... combined.

"One of the officials said there was no sign of forced entry at the home." Well isn't that odd, no forced entry before an 'accident' happened. Clearly they found evidence of someone else in the house that night and many people are saying it was Eric. He waited 90 minutes before he got a housekeeper to call 911.
I'm sure Donald will start a fund raiser for this too. I wonder where all the wall and stop the steal money went???