In California, patient pays 100%. however, Medi-Cal pays 1/2 of County Card Fees. We also pay Sales Tax (varies 7.25-8.5%) and some cities (like San Jose) charges a 7% City Tax! Like someone above wrote, take the "Medical" out and it is cheaper. Also some cities are passing bills to limit and even omit dispensaries from their boundaries. People that have invested tens of thousands in cultivation businesses' could be outed too. One would think this would force a lot of it underground where at least, a man can make a living. Present situations have decent herb @ <$200.00 an ounce. Wait and see, things are going to get worse before they get better. I think it is all a ploy from all levels of government, to preserve this multi-billion industry for themselves, family and friends. They want this baby, she's better than Alcohol & Tobacco combined!