Who remembers the 60's?

Grew up around Phila. Went to concerts mostly at a place called the electric factory in 67. Saw steppenwolf, the who, amboy dukes and many others. Hung around the art museum and got wasted every weekend during summer. there was always " love ins" and concerts at Fairmont park a big place where all the local freaks met. Weed was always abundant and was some best i ever smoked. Good memories.

One morning my mom was giving me a ride to work and I heard the news that Bobby Kennedy was gunned downed.... I think I started my abuse of substances shortly after that.
My girl. I know she was singing about me.

I love this song. Even as a kid it's bitter-sweetness really got too me.

When I first heard this on the radio thought it was great. When I saw them on TV I freaked.

There's nothing like a day in the park.

One of the fist great reggae songs to be played on the radio. Dekker is incredible.

The song for me that personified the space-age and the bright future ahead.
My local jazz station has a friday night show called the college of rock and roll knowledge. Hosted by a guy who calls himself Boomerville, and the show is aimed at the music of the boomers. Not sure of the time, as their programming is changing as we speak.

The facebook page has some good info on it though.


And if you like jazz, other than the morning mix, drive time news and the weekend shows, it's all jazz all the time.
