Who Should I Vote For?


Well-Known Member
i keep seeing comercials that say to go vote but i have no idea who's running and what their running for but i feel like i need to vote. Any suggestions? I live in Texas


Well-Known Member
Don't vote for who I tell you to, or who anybody else tells you to. You should be able to find a sample ballot for where you live online somewhere. Find it and look up the canidates and see who you agree with more on the major issues.

Or you could just vote against every incumbent, that never hurts.


Well-Known Member
i am also wondering who do you think is better? Rick Perry or Bill White?
Rick Perry has been your governor for a while now. What do you think of him? I know Texas' economy is a lot better than other places in the country, cnbc said Texas was the best state for bussiness, so maybe Rick Perry is doing a good job. But maybe he's a real dick about something else. I don't live in Texas so I don't know. I've never heard of Bill White, but being a democrat running for the governor of Texas is an uphill battle.


Well-Known Member
i never really vote. i figured it would be a good idea to here some opinions and what not. i want someone who is the best canidate to the right direction of legalizing!


Well-Known Member
do you choose the lesser of 2 evils? there all crooks and theives. they might as well been drs or lawyers


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul for congress
Smokermore, if you live in Ron Paul's disrict, vote for him. He's the only congressman I've ever heard stick up for full legalization.

I forgot he's from Texas and up for re-election.


Well-Known Member
Don't vote for who I tell you to, or who anybody else tells you to. You should be able to find a sample ballot for where you live online somewhere. Find it and look up the canidates and see who you agree with more on the major issues.

Or you could just vote against every incumbent, that never hurts.
I agree. I would never presume to tell the OP how to vote.

And the 'throw all the bums out' approach has a certain charm. :clap:

This is directed to the OP. Trying to get informed on Election Day is not the best approach. On the other hand, better late than never.

In Texas, re-legalization is not really on the table. Decriminalization is a possibility. As is Medical Cannabis.

Elliot Naishtat is a Democrat State Representative from Austin, and a very nice man, who consistently files a Medical Cannabis bill every Legislative Session. However, not having lived in Austin for a couple of years, I cannot even say for sure if he is running in this election.

What you might do if you are serious is find out who your State Rep (and State Senator) is, or will be come January, and lobby him to co-author bills relating to cannabis.

If the member is a Republican, sell him on the points that are attractive to Conservatives vis-a-vis cannabis.

Medical Cannabis is about giving sick people access to medicine.

Decriminalization means less demand on Public Safety.

Industrial Hemp would be a boon for the economy, especially the agriculture segment.

Re-legalization addresses all of the previous points and means more tax revenues in the General Revenue Fund.

If you are dealing with a Democrat those arguments will work, too. But you can throw in Civil Liberties, compassion, and an adult's Freedom to choose how he or she recreates.

Good luck.