who sneaks a beer at work?


Well-Known Member
The few times ive drank at work ive got caught.....beer breath is hard to cover up....


Well-Known Member
No need to sneak. I'll drink one at my desk. Anytime. IF I go to the bar for one, I invite the office. It's part of being an adult.


Well-Known Member
Everyday! Pick up a tall can smoke a bowl and preform better than ever.
I keep smell good and gum on deck at all times too of course...

This ain't my first rodeo...


Well-Known Member
I don't drink anymore, but I used to work with a guy who would sneak in a 5th of jack EVERYDAY to work, and stick it in the back of the toilet......10 hours later.....it was gone.

My boss knew the whole time, never fired him.

I asked why one day, he said "Cause the drunk fucker can still work half of you under the table"


Well-Known Member
Lunch Break What is that?,,,I'll sneak one in at the end of the day when my work is done if not I would be in Big trouble....Back in the day I would go to a "Job",,High,,,occasionally have a beer or two everyonce in a while,,,But it would make me wan't more or just plain unproductive. all depend's on your Job and responsabilitie's,,,


Well-Known Member
When I was tiling a few jobs back the whole crew would get shnokered on some days depending on what we were doin. Don't wanna saw a finger off!


Well-Known Member
We don't go for beer at the tax office I work at instead we take shots of tequila between customers on Thursday and fridays, needless to say by the time its lunch we are pretty buzzed. And for lunch we hit the bong.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
every job i've had i've been on a virtual leash with someone in an office somewhere able to verify what i'm doing every second of my day. i'm not much for boozing anyway but i used to smoke at work all the time until i noticed that being stoned makes me unable to look at a computer screen while wearing contact lenses. my eyes just don't focus. offices are full of haters and snitches so i wouldn't even have the balls to booze if i wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Beer at work? Yes. Sneaking it? Haha, no. My mini fridge is full of stellas at the moment and I have to keep my office door locked because cooworkers will "borrow" my beer.