Who supports the radical left here?

they are wearing masks

Perfect tip my hat picture to a perfect response.

DIdn't realize it until after, but look at the pictures below it:
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I might just be seeing too much into it, but does it look like it is being manipulated? I would be surprised if this is being pushed to different social media groups based on the black/blue tinting for obvious reasons.
I did . I voted them all out on my ballot. I hate those assholes.
From what I've seen on the news you ain't alone, normally 40% of people don't vote, most of them are young, I figure this time they will show up at the poles. If Donald can turn out the youth vote, he will have done something, he won't like the result though. So far there are over 1.5 million new voter registrations in TEXAS! :D

We have yet to see the fallout from Donald's shit show of a debate, early reviews are it was a fucking disaster and the WH staff are freaking out. I figure it might be good for a point or two at the polls.
I did . I voted them all out on my ballot. I hate those assholes.
In Okie they will probably stick with Trump, but there is 33 days to go and at the rate Trump is bleeding support, it will be interesting to see what the margin is in Okie! I think the debate performance was a stake through the fuckers heart and will nail him to his floor of 38 to 40% nationally. He could go as low as 35%, not all racist morons are suicidal and Joe is white as snow!

I might just be seeing too much into it, but does it look like it is being manipulated? I would be surprised if this is being pushed to different social media groups based on the black/blue tinting for obvious reasons.

No, I've seen this manipulation tactic used more than a few times.. playing both sides like a fiddle.
Two more of the radical right will be heading to prison soon, what a shock lol.

Im so glad 2018 election gave us our governor and AG. Without that we would be under Trump's and Barr's thumb and never have heard about this shitty scam.
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This popped up, didn't check if it fake content site yet or not. But I do remember hearing something about this a while back.
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In Okie they will probably stick with Trump, but there is 33 days to go and at the rate Trump is bleeding support, it will be interesting to see what the margin is in Okie! I think the debate performance was a stake through the fuckers heart and will nail him to his floor of 38 to 40% nationally. He could go as low as 35%, not all racist morons are suicidal and Joe is white as snow!

Yeah I know Very well what my vote is going up against . Fuck Oklahoma and Fuck Trump .