Who the fuck does that?


Well-Known Member
homeless? needed food?...who cares its a trash bag nothing to bring out the shot gun on, and why cant you afford a motion sensor light?..they are like 100$
You can get a basic RAB outdoor light for about $40


New Member
homeless? needed food?...who cares its a trash bag nothing to bring out the shot gun on, and why cant you afford a motion sensor light?..they are like 100$
Yes well as I said I dont care if they're homeless. I wouldnt hurt a homeless person like a lot of crazy assholes. But I feel I need to find out who came deep into my property and take a trash bag. And no I cant afford a motion detector because Im broke. Thanks sunni


Well-Known Member
Yes well as I said I dont care if they're homeless. I wouldnt hurt a homeless person like a lot of crazy assholes. But I feel I need to find out who came deep into my property and take a trash bag. And no I cant afford a motion detector because Im broke. Thanks sunni
wait.. where in brock do you have a deep property line? i thought all the houses were packed like sardines there... and remember man, this is brock... you have a shit ton of crazies there. im guessing if the popo were snooping they would tag you and bag you by now...


Staff member
Yes well as I said I dont care if they're homeless. I wouldnt hurt a homeless person like a lot of crazy assholes. But I feel I need to find out who came deep into my property and take a trash bag. And no I cant afford a motion detector because Im broke. Thanks sunni
i wouldnt worry to much about it, honestly if someone takes a garbage bag the reason is most likely homeless. Hey we've all been broke, but honestly a motion sensor light isnt going to do much


New Member
its not real deep. I am on a dead end street in a better area than most. But its all the way to the very back of my yard...they would have to come from the street and walk thru the front lawn and to the very back on my backyard.


New Member
i wouldnt worry to much about it, honestly if someone takes a garbage bag the reason is most likely homeless. Hey we've all been broke, but honestly a motion sensor light isnt going to do much
motion sensor would do well, because if the light went on, than I would see the brightness outback. I would know someone was out there. In my living room I can see the front yard and back yard from same spot.


Well-Known Member
its not real deep. I am on a dead end street in a better area than most. But its all the way to the very back of my yard...they would have to come from the street and walk thru the front lawn and to the very back on my backyard.
yea, even for brock.. thats a little odd. but you should know how that do it in our area... if it was a bust of some sorts, they would have done it already...


New Member
wait.. where in brock do you have a deep property line? i thought all the houses were packed like sardines there... and remember man, this is brock... you have a shit ton of crazies there. im guessing if the popo were snooping they would tag you and bag you by now...
tag me and bag me? I dont think its that simple. Then again, I havent had really any run ins with the law. But My bro is a cop and I know a couple of his cop friends...they know me more than I know them anyways, Im sure. But see, This fuckwad my mother is with, me and him dont get along. And his cousin or uncle is a private detective. I dont know if hes trying to get me on some bullshit....probably isnt, but its better to be suspicious I think....than to not know if someone is looking into you.


Staff member
motion sensor would do well, because if the light went on, than I would see the brightness outback. I would know someone was out there. In my living room I can see the front yard and back yard from same spot.
except motion sensors go off ON EVERYTHIGN you'd be out there every 5 seconds i swear


Well-Known Member
tag me and bag me? I dont think its that simple. Then again, I havent had really any run ins with the law. But My bro is a cop and I know a couple of his cop friends...they know me more than I know them anyways, Im sure. But see, This fuckwad my mother is with, me and him dont get along. And his cousin or uncle is a private detective. I dont know if hes trying to get me on some bullshit....probably isnt, but its better to be suspicious I think....than to not know if someone is looking into you.
yea, there's more to the story... i suspect you should lay low.. or at least keep a more open eye.


New Member
except motion sensors go off ON EVERYTHIGN you'd be out there every 5 seconds i swear
they do tend to go off somtimes when theres nothing at all. I have one for my front yard. But still I rather get up 5 times and see the bastard outside and find out who he is than to question who is this person.


New Member
yea, there's more to the story... i suspect you should lay low.. or at least keep a more open eye.
yeah, fucker still seems pissed at me. He disrespected my mom so I got in his face and he threw a couple shots at me and I said he hit like a bitch and gave him a nice straight right and split his eyebrow open...Im over the whole thing, But hes still standoffish.


Well-Known Member
then leave it at that.. i gotta think if he tries to "fuck" you, that he is only "fucking" himself.. your mom would probably drop him if he pulled some shit on you...


New Member
nah bro , its not that easy. He has my moms house with his name on it because he invested money into it. Hes a parasite, and me and my family tried to talk to my mom early on. I wish it were that easy. He has his claws in her/the house. Its unfortunate. I dont live there, but it seems they get along better now...less incidents and hasnt been many calls to the cops from her house like before.


Well-Known Member
well thats good at least. i guess you can only hope for the best and keep an open eye.


New Member
I thought about moving in there. But me and him just couldnt live together. I hear him talking or treating my mom badly and We'll be fighting...everytime. Plus honestly I dont want to live there. My stress level would be at an all time high...and guaranteed there would be problems. It might be the only way to get him to move...but it all depends on whether the cops think Im the problem or hes the problem. Pretty sure they know hes the problem already, But his name is on the house and chances are if something went down, the cops would ask me to leave....

edit; pretty fucked up when i pretty much lived at that house thru most of my child years and then this smart,manipulating, asshole comes and takes advantage of the house situation after my dad split with my mom