Who thinks America ever got out of a recession, certainly not the middle class. Obama - FAIL

Too many people rely on the government cause they're lazy, have substance abuse problems....whatever. Dr. Ben Carson didn't rely on any one but himself. If he can "make it" (and serve humanity in the mean time) then any one can. Pity party is over.

I wrote quite a few posts about a year ago about my financial leanings, meaning, it was time for me to bail out of the stock market. I made a lot of money and for once made a brilliant call. I own two bonds paying good yields at 4.75% and 4.55% and two stocks. Rest is cash. I'm waiting for a market crash, blood in the streets, and then I'll go back in.

" time for me to bail out of the stock market. I made a lot of money and for once made a brilliant call."

lolol.......too funny uncle clench. you claim to have made a lot of money then claim you for once made a brilliant call by getting out? you do realize that sounds stupid as fuck??

anyone ever notice all these "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" types constantly contradict themselves and also need their wives to pull the wagon?
Obama will be on currency one day. Y'all racist ass people or just Republicans to where you just so stuck in your ways you can't see the truth. He was a good president killed Osama Bin Laden, Bush couldn't do that either. There's jobs when I look on craigslist now construction jobs that is. He set us back right, we were fucked when he took it over if you really want the truth. I remember looking at the stock market everyday and not even into stocks just because Dow Jones was down so low things have gotten a lot better in the eight years he's been in office all we need is a dumbass Republican to get in there and fuck it all up. Hillary ain't shit either. No fan of politicians but you can't hate on Obama. Just makes you look like a dumbass. I know what everybody thinks Obamacare was his downfall shit is the Republicans didn't cockblock it so hard and actually work with him then maybe people like me could have health insurance because I've never had it before and I'd love to have it. And it seems crazy to me that guys just like me, my age, who's never had health insurance either are against it? Y shouldn't the richest country in the world have health insurance for its citizens. Because it's about the almighty dollar that's why. There is incentive enough to look for cures for diseases without trying to be one of the 1% of the nation because I'm sure the pharmaceutical companies are in there. But they've got the lobbyists buying the politicians. it's just a bait-and-switch game between Republican and Democrat in my opinion.

Our political system is fucked we had like the lowest voter turnout because look at who are getting ready to vote for. Donald Trump come on give me a break dude has no substantial answers for anything. Or Hillary Clinton who's Seat in Congress was in the Wall Street District so you know who's bought her off. It's all just a sham ,and they're leading us around like fucking Lambs. One day we'll wake up, I hope.

OMG, you`re right.

obama money.jpg
" time for me to bail out of the stock market. I made a lot of money and for once made a brilliant call." lolol.......too funny uncle clench. you claim to have made a lot of money then claim you for once made a brilliant call by getting out? you do realize that sounds stupid as fuck??

Lordy lordy......not as stupid as you sound. You don't make money holding on to an asset forever. Ever heard of an exit strategy? No you haven't because you're one of the worthless RIU have-not's that doesn't have a pot to piss in much less any decent money to risk.

Numbnuts, it's not when you buy that's important. It's when you sell.

deeze kids.......
Lordy lordy......not as stupid as you sound. You don't make money holding on to an asset forever. Ever heard of an exit strategy? No you haven't because you're one of the worthless RIU have-not's that doesn't have a pot to piss in much less any decent money to risk.

Numbnuts, it's not when you buy that's important. It's when you sell.

deeze kids.......

no wonder you lost your money. contradict away, it doesn't change the fact that your posts constantly step on your own dick. i guess the consolation to that is at least something is touching that miniscule organ
I like that he sold all of his stock to make 4%, when I've made over 3000% on one stock (crypto currency)this year.

Stockmarket seems to be doing pretty good on my end.

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