Who was the best president the US has ever elected and why?

Clinton was good, messed up a little, but ultimately did a great job when it came to his actual job... and based on everything that came out after, monica seemed more than willing- not trying to make excuses, but a lot of guys would do that, and have- especially in politics. Kennedy absolutely had affairs, as have half of all the men in goverment at least, but nobody mentions anything about that. But none of that really has anything to do with their job, so whatever. Obama was good too, but could have been better with certain things... but I guess you could say that about everyone... Hillary would have been good, and probably would have surprised her doubters. Carter for good intentions, even if he in the end wasn't the most impactful... Kennedy was okay... people love(d) him... I'm trying to think of a good republican... Abe wasn't too bad... did a lot of good, despite being racist... I mean, pretty much everyone back then was... on a side note, one other lousy thing FDR did was take land from natives for other purposes- he really was full of flaws... This election coming up is all over the place... originally I was sure Stacy Abrams was going to be Biden's running mate for VP, but now I am not sure... he mentioned being open to having a Republican run with him, which in all honesty would be a step forward towards breaking the whole us vs them thing, but I don't know how realistically it would work out- especially now, when every republican out there does nothing but kiss trump's ass without question or thought... I don't think Bernie will win the nom., nor do I think Buttigieg can... Warren is a wild card in my admittedly limited view... she could, she could not... I don't know, there's no telling how any of them will fair... back to "the best"- I'm sure throughout history there has been good and bad on both sides- just seems more currently that the Republicans are the ones who are a little less than admirable...
Clinton was good, messed up a little, but ultimately did a great job when it came to his actual job... and based on everything that came out after, monica seemed more than willing- not trying to make excuses, but a lot of guys would do that, and have- especially in politics. Kennedy absolutely had affairs, as have half of all the men in goverment at least, but nobody mentions anything about that. But none of that really has anything to do with their job, so whatever. Obama was good too, but could have been better with certain things... but I guess you could say that about everyone... Hillary would have been good, and probably would have surprised her doubters. Carter for good intentions, even if he in the end wasn't the most impactful... Kennedy was okay... people love(d) him... I'm trying to think of a good republican... Abe wasn't too bad... did a lot of good, despite being racist... I mean, pretty much everyone back then was... on a side note, one other lousy thing FDR did was take land from natives for other purposes- he really was full of flaws... This election coming up is all over the place... originally I was sure Stacy Abrams was going to be Biden's running mate for VP, but now I am not sure... he mentioned being open to having a Republican run with him, which in all honesty would be a step forward towards breaking the whole us vs them thing, but I don't know how realistically it would work out- especially now, when every republican out there does nothing but kiss trump's ass without question or thought... I don't think Bernie will win the nom., nor do I think Buttigieg can... Warren is a wild card in my admittedly limited view... she could, she could not... I don't know, there's no telling how any of them will fair... back to "the best"- I'm sure throughout history there has been good and bad on both sides- just seems more currently that the Republicans are the ones who are a little less than admirable...
No human being who ever lived was flawless. I agree though, the GOP has contributed very little to the advancement of our civilization.

I wanted to address something though. It's true that racism was more prevalent and pervasive a century ago than it is today and a century before that to an even greater extent. But I don't give the leaders of the world a pass for it. Thanks for the reply to the thread.
Clinton was good, messed up a little, but ultimately did a great job when it came to his actual job... and based on everything that came out after, monica seemed more than willing- not trying to make excuses, but a lot of guys would do that, and have- especially in politics. Kennedy absolutely had affairs, as have half of all the men in goverment at least, but nobody mentions anything about that. But none of that really has anything to do with their job, so whatever. Obama was good too, but could have been better with certain things... but I guess you could say that about everyone... Hillary would have been good, and probably would have surprised her doubters. Carter for good intentions, even if he in the end wasn't the most impactful... Kennedy was okay... people love(d) him... I'm trying to think of a good republican... Abe wasn't too bad... did a lot of good, despite being racist... I mean, pretty much everyone back then was... on a side note, one other lousy thing FDR did was take land from natives for other purposes- he really was full of flaws... This election coming up is all over the place... originally I was sure Stacy Abrams was going to be Biden's running mate for VP, but now I am not sure... he mentioned being open to having a Republican run with him, which in all honesty would be a step forward towards breaking the whole us vs them thing, but I don't know how realistically it would work out- especially now, when every republican out there does nothing but kiss trump's ass without question or thought... I don't think Bernie will win the nom., nor do I think Buttigieg can... Warren is a wild card in my admittedly limited view... she could, she could not... I don't know, there's no telling how any of them will fair... back to "the best"- I'm sure throughout history there has been good and bad on both sides- just seems more currently that the Republicans are the ones who are a little less than admirable...
I have to give the Bushs' credit, when the economy were melting down under their continually stupid economic policies, they both did the right thing to help stop the bleeding before passing it to the Democrats to fix.
You accuse non-foreigners of being a foreign troll, but you fall for propaganda from an actual foreign troll in that video. You're hilarious, princess. Also that foreign troll admitted to coming from a poor family, but then says how his most essential thing he owns is a watch which probably costs more than you make in a year, and is almost two years salary for the median family. But he feels your pain! You too can reach the American Dream if you just try, otherwise you a lazy loser, right?

You accuse non-foreigners of being a foreign troll, but you fall for propaganda from an actual foreign troll in that video. You're hilarious, princess. Also that foreign troll admitted to coming from a poor family, but then says how his most essential thing he owns is a watch which probably costs more than you make in a year, and is almost two years salary for the median family. But he feels your pain! You too can reach the American Dream if you just try, otherwise you a lazy loser, right?


God he nailed this speech. The first couple minutes are spot on like Nostradamus predictions.

lmao, this is my first time watching this, @16minutes worth watching.
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Kennedy absolutely had affairs, as have half of all the men in goverment at least, but nobody mentions anything about that. But none of that really has anything to do with their job, so whatever.
Yeah, but it makes them susceptible to compromise/blackmail, a national security risk.
Abraham Lincoln

Although his reasoning for ending slavery may have been political among other things, imagine being a slave in the south and watching those who made your life hell get slaughtered by the Union fighting for your ultimate freedom. If the slave trade continued who knows how much stronger the South would have gotten over time.
Abraham Lincoln

Although his reasoning for ending slavery may have been political among other things, imagine being a slave in the south and watching those who made your life hell get slaughtered by the Union fighting for your ultimate freedom. If the slave trade continued who knows how much stronger the South would have gotten over time.
Imagine thinking you were free in the North.