Who Would You Toke With?

I would smoke with some of the founding fathers. Many of them grew massive amounts of hemp, and some of them had to have grown the dank. It would be interesting to hear their high stories, as they are some of the smartest people to ever live. Hell they helped found the U.S., thats pretty cool in my opinion

Weed is why we have such a rocknroll country.... In God We Trust, NAlienable Rites....We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Motherfuckes baked out like madmen before they wrote that shit. They should have wrote THANK GOD 4 WEED in the preamble.
I like being in nature while im high so I think to smoke with any of these guys would be awesome

Jacques cousteau
John muir
Steve the crocodile hunter irwin
Bear grylls or les stroud
This one is easy.
Today I would love to toke with .... hmmm .....
In no order !

Ed Grimley


Mark Jakson ... for sure !!


And Priya ....


Ive actually thought of this scenario and have discussed with my buds before.

so i have a top 10.

#10 George Lucas- Do i really need to explain why?
#9 William Shatner- sit down with a glass of scotch and a joint and just bull shit.
#8 Cheech- Cause that conversation would rock.
#7 Seth MacFarlane- Becuase id love to talk to stewie or brian...lol
#6 President Barrack Obama- Just to sit down and see if i could have a no bull shit off the record converstaion with the guy.
#5 President George Bush jr-see above reason.
#4 Ron Paul- :)
#3 Charlie Murphy- effing funny!
#2 H.P. Lovecraft- Yeah id like to pick his brain for a bit. :)
#1 Einstien- Why the hell not!
carl sagen
nikola tesla
kennedy jr
mother teresa and/or the pope
genghis khan
a giraffe (doesn't have to be famous or anything)


i take it all back....

Bob Ross
I'd smoke a spliff with President Clinton.....

He doesn't inhale, so that means more for me...

However if Monica is with him, don't let that spliff out of your sight! ;)
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington........back in their day..........they had the best smoke around :)