WhoDat back at it.


Active Member
hahaha, I put it in part of the week terms for you non daily folk... What I meant was Ill x plant in a few days hehe.
Just what I need I guess, some competition,, seeing as Im not allowed to enter any future 600 contests lol. Coming back from my most recent hiatus I scrolled through the 600 to see what I missed and came across some posts by COF and yourself about me not being allowed to compete,,, very flattered thank you.

No paint, these cabs will have a natural finish ;-) lol

Iv run it all and in the end,,, Im done with synthetics completely, I refuse to support these practices that harm the planet and our bodies. Organics is enough to keep me interested and learning. I feel like I know this and that about organics but really Iv just scratched the surface and know next to nothing.
Not to mention it ease of use. Just cross your ts' and dot your i's when mixing the soil and BAM done... Just water with reasonable tap at a proper ph and toss in a few feedings of tea until harvest, thats literally it. Done.

Edit: I'll remind you these were grown in soil :-) Genetics and environment my friend.

That's beautiful.

That literally brought tears in my eyes!


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what Gary is eating. As far as I know he just lays around all day catching some sweet 600w rays.

Im about to lay some bedding down with manure in my worm bin... going on a worm hunt tonight :-)


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what Gary is eating. As far as I know he just lays around all day catching some sweet 600w rays.

Im about to lay some bedding down with manure in my worm bin... going on a worm hunt tonight :-)
fuck bro... I have about a million right out in my yard. i dont need to hunt, they swarm me when Im working outside. I can have my kids collect a bunch if you like?