WhoDat back at it.

Here we go! 12/12 starts tonight at midnight :hump:
Anticipating these as the stretchy bunch.

This one shows exactly what Im going for so far :-)


WTH, I'm gone a few days and I come back to find a vertical scrog! lol SWEET! Looking good man, something I've always wanted to do :)
Thanks everyone :-)
Thunder dome, I like that! bongsmilie

I'm guessing you wouldn't be doing anymore trimming now ?

I'll be trimming some side branching as we progress, but I want those mains left to do their thing.

On a sweet note,, the new timer worked perfectly earlier... One light goes off and the other comes on at the exact same time :-)
That's awesome. Really glad that works.

That scrog action is going to get real tight real quick. I'm excited to see how you handle it... it's like war. :)
Man looking real good as usual Whodat. Likeing your new setup too bro. Looks like a nice simple way to grow. Subbed :Peace: 1BMM
That's awesome. Really glad that works.

That scrog action is going to get real tight real quick. I'm excited to see how you handle it... it's like war. :)

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction mr. Jig! This little tool makes my garden possible :-)

Man looking real good as usual Whodat. Likeing your new setup too bro. Looks like a nice simple way to grow. Subbed :Peace: 1BMM

Great to have you along BMM!
and thanks :-) keeping it simple is working out so far :-) but dont worry, I'll be making things a bit more complicated in the future! ;-) And no, no details on "project X" until it is complete! I should be unveiling it around june, look out for that :-)

Day 3~ 12/12

Iv been getting some pruning and training in, the plants are taking to it well. I gave them some 24hr flower tea last night and a foliar of worm tea, will be rinsing off tonight at lights out with rain water.

These two Blue Pits are ready for the journey :-) Got another BP off to the side.

I didn't even see Gary until I uploaded the pics :shock: you sneaky little thing you! His las is still around too :-) I'll call her Mary,,,, Gary and Mary lol

Whats left vegging... I'll take clones of the 4 bigger plants then ditching them. The rest and clones will be used next grow,,, for project x ;-)...... We are keeping tight security on the project so no info is leaked to the public until it is ready.... lol

beautiful man, can't wait to see project X. If its anything compared to the rest of your projects I'm sure it will be interesting!
from last night bongsmilie

Look what taking out those two plants has done :-) I think it would have been too crowded with them in there anyways, the plants left get the room they will need and I get to bring the "canopy" in closer to the light now.
Oh Chaka, I will be building one of your hazy susans for sure! Its gonna be sweeeet as fuck! 8)

Do you spot the G man???? hehehe

The moment of transition :hump:

This side is looking beautiful :weed:

This should be a good one :-D

Gary in the vert, Mary in te horz , to each their own haha


I love the hazey susan idea, if you mean your gonna make it spin around. That might be better then a light mover.