WhoDat back at it.

Whodat, have you identified the species of BoxBoss Gary and his old lady Mary?

they are green anoles @ schwagbag. Whodat the garden looks great, it is so nice of you to give gary and mary a hibernating home. Maybe come spring they'll bless you back.;)

I forgot lol thanks tryna

I saw something a while ago, a goofy trick to get the male to pump and flash hi red gizzard thing at you,,, but I cant remember what the trick is. Actually for the past few days Gary has been doing his little mating ritual pump thing lol,,, I was chillin with the plants nodding my head to music then I see gary starting to nod to the music then flashing his neck haha, I was stoned and it was funny as hell.

Mary somehow made it into the vert room now they are both in there, it stays warmer in the vert box.

Edit: here you go :-) I'll catch him doing it dont worry ;-)

I forgot lol thanks tryna

I saw something a while ago, a goofy trick to get the male to pump and flash hi red gizzard thing at you,,, but I cant remember what the trick is. Actually for the past few days Gary has been doing his little mating ritual pump thing lol,,, I was chillin with the plants nodding my head to music then I see gary starting to nod to the music then flashing his neck haha, I was stoned and it was funny as hell.

Mary somehow made it into the vert room now they are both in there, it stays warmer in the vert box.

Edit: here you go :-) I'll catch him doing it dont worry ;-)

They use Dewlaps for mating and territorial purposes. And its winter you sure you don't have Gary and Jerry.
They use Dewlaps for mating and territorial purposes. And its winter you sure you don't have Gary and Jerry.

Im not sure but I havnt seen the other one do it... Maybe they think its summer? Its pretty warm in the vert room, mid to upper 80s (cooltube my ass), and they turn that bright rich green color during the day and stay fairly active. Could they be tricked? I did change from MH to HPS...?
If it is territorial, could he be doing it because I was kinda mimicking the action by bouncing my head to music? Hard to say, I just want more lizards lol
Im not sure but I havnt seen the other one do it... Maybe they think its summer? Its pretty warm in the vert room, mid to upper 80s (cooltube my ass), and they turn that bright rich green color during the day and stay fairly active. Could they be tricked? I did change from MH to HPS...?
If it is territorial, could he be doing it because I was kinda mimicking the action by bouncing my head to music? Hard to say, I just want more lizards lol

Youve never seen an anole fight? the initial "bounce" is a challenge, and then they do the dewlap thing, and then thy fight. i used to make them fight eachother they even get territorial against toy dino's with dewlaps out. they are mean and will bite at anything once its escape route is blocked but it doesnt hurt at all. i think their territory is small like 10ftx10ft or something.

those a full grown.
Great video I had never seen them fight before. I used to have a pet one, but just one so I never got to see any royal rumbles.
They even sell them in stores here, its crazy because i used to catch 100's of them as a kid. now they are $6-7 dollars when i can still go outside in the spring or summer and have a bucket full. i'm sure if you get enough whodat you could compost their poop.
They even sell them in stores here, its crazy because i used to catch 100's of them as a kid. now they are $6-7 dollars when i can still go outside in the spring or summer and have a bucket full. i'm sure if you get enough whodat you could compost their poop.

That vid was hilarious.
As a child I would catch them and hang em from my ears lol same thing with crawfish, let em pinch ya ears.
I'll find something bright and try to challenge Gary,,, wish me luck :shock:
That vid was hilarious.
As a child I would catch them and hang em from my ears lol same thing with crawfish, let em pinch ya ears.
I'll find something bright and try to challenge Gary,,, wish me luck :shock:

lol.. That's it, I'm getting a box boss for each of my veg tents to start at least. I can't not do it, thanks for the inspiration and motivation. Anything else I should add to the box to keep them happy? I see you have a heat mat for them and a UVB bulb. Do they try to escape much? I don't wanna find'em all rigored out behind my box and ready to be used as fertilizer lol.
lol.. That's it, I'm getting a box boss for each of my veg tents to start at least. I can't not do it, thanks for the inspiration and motivation. Anything else I should add to the box to keep them happy? I see you have a heat mat for them and a UVB bulb. Do they try to escape much? I don't wanna find'em all rigored out behind my box and ready to be used as fertilizer lol.

Haha at first I was like WTF is he talking about "box boss"? plenty bongsmilie going on.
That heat mat and uvb only lasted a day before I didnt want to bother with it. I think the 600 puts out enough radiant heat and some uvb,, I think. They can leave if they want lol, oh I do have an ash trey for their water too. I dont feed them so IDK WTF they are eating besides the occasional wasp and tiny grasshoppers, yes I have some tiny grasshoppers lol they do very little damage honestly and I squish them when I can, I'll get a pic if I can.
I remembered what the trick was, a mirror! It hit me, he was seeing himself in my sunglasses which I only recently started wearing because of the vert bulb. Im a stoned sherlock I tell ya bongsmilie.

Edit: Im going to show him this picture bongsmilie

Day 5~12/12

Pics.... :joint::-?


More pics....


Some other stuff....


Some other other stuff.


?pxBK supercroped several times, topped for two at this point.


I remembered what the trick was, a mirror! It hit me, he was seeing himself in my sunglasses which I only recently started wearing because of the vert bulb. Im a stoned sherlock I tell ya bongsmilie.

Edit: Im going to show him this picture bongsmilie

How did it go with Gary? Did it piss him straight off when you flashed the pic? lol Your shit should be exploding here quick eh? You've got them nice and cleaned up, ready for KABOOM.

Gary Gary Gary.

Next up, Lizard Wars.

LOL, you know, that's not outside of the realm of possibility. That reminds me of the show that I used to watch when I was blowed out back in the day called Street Monkeys. Pretty sure Dee Snider was narrating it and for some reason I enjoyed it when I was good and high lol. Good day peeps.
Going good so far :-D


Need some bandaids afterhandling this BnS x SB1 :shock: a sight for sore eyes.

MVK supercroped and topped for eight :-) I think shes long due for a transplant ;-)

Check out this totally original idea I came up with all by myself!


Your argument is invalid.....


Haha thats fuckin awesome man! See you did change it, I was actually gonna say u could make it without the pole and just manhandle the rotation a little more and u read my telepathy!
Haha thats fuckin awesome man! See you did change it, I was actually gonna say u could make it without the pole and just manhandle the rotation a little more and u read my telepathy!

The bitch needs a pole and Im going to give it to her. ;-)

Actually I may just put the extra swivel wheel in the center. I found a junk chair and took the wheels off.
Next one I build will be of thicker plywood and better wheels,,,, honestly its a piece of junk lol but I got by with what I had on hand.
Thanks chacka!
Would you consider evicting Gary or Mary the first time one of your glorious colaz becomes riddled with lizzerd deuce?