WhoDat back at it.


Well-Known Member
Sucks about the cold, but glad the rest of your trip went well man. I wish I could have seen some buds and some rooms while I was out there. The only people I scored off of where waitresses, though it was still pretty good!


Well-Known Member
Heres some shite.

Rings on.

Cleaned up and trained.


?p x SB2

BnS x SB2



?p x BnS

BnS x BnS

BnS x SB1


So Im a super douchie douche bag and didnt get any pics at the cup... so yeah, sorry about that :eyesmoke: "dab city" deserved a pic though :shock: only concentrates I fucked with was some co2 extract at big buddhas spot,,, it was fantastic!

Gotta get to trimming.



Well-Known Member
Girls look fantastic man I guess they did well without ya :). I just bet those girls that were left to start drying on the plant are gonna be really nice, it seems with my girls like that helps the process. I still can't wait for this big surprise setup :finger:.

I wanna learn to do a CO2 extraction, a buddy of mine was talking about turning his whole harvest into oil after trying it a few times. I told him I'd be glad to help but I wanna research whats gonna be the best way to do quantity. Seems like we could get hella oil from his 3x3 flood tray harvested under 1k.


Well-Known Member
Girls look fantastic man I guess they did well without ya :). I just bet those girls that were left to start drying on the plant are gonna be really nice, it seems with my girls like that helps the process. I still can't wait for this big surprise setup :finger:.

I wanna learn to do a CO2 extraction, a buddy of mine was talking about turning his whole harvest into oil after trying it a few times. I told him I'd be glad to help but I wanna research whats gonna be the best way to do quantity. Seems like we could get hella oil from his 3x3 flood tray harvested under 1k.
Yeah they shouldn't be hanging long at all, they are already a bit crispy :-)
The veil will be removed from "the flying circus" sometime in june!
Hey Im wearing this sweet sincity oilers t-shirt given to me by some cool cat at the cup ;-) its covered in trimmings lol

Those ladies look ready to smoke already who.

How dry was the medium when you got back from your trip?
Dry, but not as lite as I thought they would be. Nugs should be going into jars in four days time... bongsmilie its going to be a danky may.


Well-Known Member
They look good twin. I took down my last three Monday. I'm curious what you come up with in weight for each. You definitely got me beat bruh. How come you can't keep more though?


Well-Known Member
Didnt get a chance to catch up with you at the cup Whodat When u coming back? and everythings looking Beautiful BTW Your always killing it. Show me the way BROTHA


Well-Known Member
Jeeeeezus, seriously. Way to go Whodat. BNS is just bombing... I think I have a couple of those beans from the fairy... the fact that they have some Cheese lineage in them just makes me drool. Big, stinky, potent.... yeah, I'll be cracking some of those.