Whole plant droopy but roots growing...


I recently transplanted from soil to DWC, and 2 of 4 of my plants are droopy. They all have new root growth, but all 4 are not getting any taller. I have 3 chocolope and 1 purple wreck. Could I have stunted the roots during transplant? The water was a little cold... PH is 6.0, temps range from 65-82F, using 3-part advanced line, only half the dosage to start. I also added a dose of super thrive and hygrozyme. I added C02, 1 wk after the transplant, but have seen no change. Please HELP!


Well-Known Member
um usually root growth is normal when changing from one pot to the other. the plants will not grow in size until the focus on root growth stops. the only way to make that happen is to increase the nutrients to the roots. perhaps a stronger drip.
the pH seems a lil high, but id stay there for a bit then lower it down to 5.7 or so. Heat is an issue, 65-82 is a big ass range for heat. try to keep it 70-75.

waiting a week or 2 with no change is normal after transplants from shock, imagine going from soil -> hydro, your plants probably like wtf?
add some bloom nutes, phosphorus is said to promote quicker rooting and when the plant feels the roots are good, it will go back to growing.

good luck
Hey thanks for the info. It been 1 week and 5 days with no change for the 2 chocolope. One has roots growing like crazy but the other has not since the transplant. I changed all the water in the buckets yesterday and made sure the water temp was 67F before placing the babies back into their home. I added bloom nutes and hydrozyme again. PH: 5.6-7, room temp 62F to 71F continuing with CO2 even though the room isnt completely sealed. I have it come on for at 1 hr and then in 15 min intervals every 1.5 hrs. Im attaching pictures this time, some leaves are starting to yellow, more from the veins.... Ahhh why would they just prosper like happy plants. I dont have my PPM meter yet, but they should be around 300-400ppm. Someone make me feel at ease...



Well-Known Member
Soil to water is a very big change for your plant. Give them time!

Edit : Damn son them dont look to good. How far is your light?


Well-Known Member
Even though this is old johny 1212 said it. Since soil is gonna have more air than hydro you better make sure you have extra bubbles going cause your plants roots are drowning from the transplant.