whole plant turning yellow please help me save them

mountain dweller

Well-Known Member
Well these ladies are a 4+ month old ex mother plants very bushy and ever since I flipped them 4 weeks ago they have evenly and progressively turned yellow and now the leaves are turning brown even some of the finer sugar leaves.

The strain is Death Star and right before I flipped I lollipopped big time with no recovery time
Also noticed fungus gnat larvae and have been hitting with gnatrol.
I have been using Botanicare nutrients sparingly and also happy frog soil and last water hit with 10-0-0 Mexican bat guano to get some N to them but it seems to be getting worse

Any ideas guys I'm afraid these are gonna dwindle to budrot before they are ready,sorry for HPS being on I at least pointed it it away

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old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
have you tried to flush them ,it wouldn't hurt looks like they are in bad shape already,i would also try to find another way with the nats instead of using pesticides.but as a last ditch effort i would flush them ,wait a couple days and water them with some cal mag and molases. i'm a newbie at indoor growing but thats what i would do .if they die i would just smoke it

mountain dweller

Well-Known Member
No haven't flushed yet being as I just watered didn't want to over do it but at this point probably couldn't hurt em any worse


Well-Known Member
My blue cheese yellowed out buds were fine
got a pineapple 8 weeks in flower started yellowing at week 4
my Death Star sucked all hair
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old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
if they are already over watered it would be the best time in my opinion . i decided to up my ppm on my nutrient day before yesterday my plants didn't like that shit at all , man sent me into panic mood , i imeditally flushed them ,i'm in 3 gallon pots so ,i flushed with 3 gallons of RO water ,they were in bad shape ,just new i fucked them up .got up this morning and just as perky as could be ,it was like they were telling me thank you .gonna wait 1 more day and give them a little cal mag and molases ,not much but just enough to put a little back in the soil ,then wait for them to dry up for a shot of nutes.thats my plan anyway.


Well-Known Member
Are you using Cal/Mag supplement? If not, you should be.. Gotta save these babies.! Sand works best for gnats in my experience.


Well-Known Member
Bat guano needs to break down before your plant can use it. You must of switched to Bloom nutes and cut out the Nitrogen from the looks of it. It needs readily available Nitrogen. Go get a balanced feed something non organic so the plant can use it right away. Miracle Grow for tomatos has it all if your in a bind till you find something better. Half strength see how it handles it then go to 3/4 strength.
Nute burn can do some damage but underfeeding can too.

mountain dweller

Well-Known Member
yea I did hit them with 10 M/L calmag this last watering along with the guano and the first shot of Botanicare bloom soil nutes so i dont know. Buds are progressing nicely frosting up good Im just worried the necrosis is gonna take out the buds eventually.Just trying to think of anything I might have done wrong so i dont make that mistake again.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
if you were planning on flowering them, did you feed a reg dose of veg feed for a bit? if you were having any issues with them beforehand, you should have waited to flip them.

mountain dweller

Well-Known Member
Bat guano needs to break down before your plant can use it. You must of switched to Bloom nutes and cut out the Nitrogen from the looks of it. It needs readily available Nitrogen. Go get a balanced feed something non organic so the plant can use it right away. Miracle Grow for tomatos has it all if your in a bind till you find something better. Half strength see how it handles it then go to 3/4 strength.
Nute burn can do some damage but underfeeding can too.
i made a tea with the guano just yesterday was the first dedicated bloom nutes and i forgot about two weeks in i hit them with MG 10-10-10 just as a hail mary cause the yellowing started from the inside out. it started dropping leaves like crazy right after the flip and i did prune the shit out of it cause it was bushy as hell

mountain dweller

Well-Known Member
if you were planning on flowering them, did you feed a reg dose of veg feed for a bit? if you were having any issues with them beforehand, you should have waited to flip them.
yea again it was botanicare veg soil formula, i never gave it full strength like the bottle said cause i would get burned tips at the 3/4 dose I was giving them so i also spaced it out alot. Two cats I know grow this strain with barely any nutrients at all and it is always dank,hell one guy gives them no nutes and grows it in junk dirt and his harvests alway impress lol