Wholesale cannabis prices hit historic lows in January

this is a valid point

wanting lower prices so your buddies don't get robbed

thats considerate

as we medical growers continue to dumpster dive for our dinner?

Maybe you need to look at why you started being a "medical grower" to begin with. Maybe medical cannabis actually isn't about anyone making money at all. Maybe it is actually about a plant being able to give quality of life back to people that otherwise wouldn't have any. Maybe medically helping people isn't about profiteering?
Now recreational on the other hand....
Cheers :)
Whats the age limit on med weed? Obviously with it giving such a better standard of life and tackling so many illnesses it would be great for new borns, infants and children to get these prescriptions too. Brilliant if it becomes free to families that have children and babies with cancer and stuff. How can growers not support price drops to rock bottom....
Whats the age limit on med weed?

Depends. A doctor can prescribe and administer just about any drug to a child if there is a medical reason for it.

But each state has their own rules. Children are likely exceptions in a lot of jurisdictions as far as cannabis goes.
Whats the age limit on med weed? Obviously with it giving such a better standard of life and tackling so many illnesses it would be great for new borns, infants and children to get these prescriptions too. Brilliant if it becomes free to families that have children and babies with cancer and stuff. How can growers not support price drops to rock bottom....
Is that last bit intended to be sarcasm? As this trend continues there will arrive a time when the price is so low that even some of these larger greenhouse operations won't be able to survive, especially considering the amount of money invested and the operating costs (unless energy and water utility costs plummet, which isn't in the near future).

What this could lead to is that the yet to emerge mega-grow operations run by corporations will be the only ones who can make a living at this, just like the trend we've seen over the past 4-5 decades where family farms have gone under all over the country. That does NOT bode well for the quality and potential pollutant issues just like we see with big agro.

And cannabis isn't like Pharma produced meds for cancer - anyone can learn to grow their own meds, which is not true for chemo meds so there's no comparison between the two vis-a-vis costs. Even RSO was never as expensive as any cancer meds, and as stated, it's not rocket science, a determined parent (in a legal state of course) could learn to make it or find someone who can.
Is that last bit intended to be sarcasm? As this trend continues there will arrive a time when the price is so low that even some of these larger greenhouse operations won't be able to survive, especially considering the amount of money invested and the operating costs (unless energy and water utility costs plummet, which isn't in the near future).

What this could lead to is that the yet to emerge mega-grow operations run by corporations will be the only ones who can make a living at this, just like the trend we've seen over the past 4-5 decades where family farms have gone under all over the country. That does NOT bode well for the quality and potential pollutant issues just like we see with big agro.

And cannabis isn't like Pharma produced meds for cancer - anyone can learn to grow their own meds, which is not true for chemo meds so there's no comparison between the two vis-a-vis costs. Even RSO was never as expensive as any cancer meds, and as stated, it's not rocket science, a determined parent (in a legal state of course) could learn to make it or find someone who can.

I think the law is not aimed at us growers anymore. A family that paid everything out on pharma meds and operations would certainly support price drops for a severly ill child to gain some relief. Med cannabis seems poor to the real cocktail in the plants cannabinoids.

I find the questions that legality has generated quite intresting, is there a line and if so where is it drawn.

If i had a three year old in pain from cancer and all else failed would i consider marijuana if i knew getting them stoned would increase quality of life. Not saying id give them smoke but edibles and oils maybe.

It wasnt sarcasm but the flip side of the coin seems that the laws are not aimed at us small timers and others will dominate the vote and law for their reasons and not just so we can grow.

I think cases will come up where the laws are tested to their full extent at some point. When mj is aimed at med relief and patients is there an age limit or is it more to do with the illness. Seems unfair that an adult can use this drug but a child with the same illness couldnt.

As to rock bottom prices and mass markets of scale, that was always my main concern and worry and its happening fast, not enough growers to ever sway the vote in our favour against all the non growers who simply want access. One might say this was the worst case scenario.

More debates in my country to pressure the medicinal properties of weed on the goverment but we fear the outcome so safely im still black market and not a legal grower because at a buck or two a gram i am certainly not making the effort to grow. Eventually it will happen but till then im safe and in the majority.
I think the law is not aimed at us growers anymore. A family that paid everything out on pharma meds and operations would certainly support price drops for a severly ill child to gain some relief. Med cannabis seems poor to the real cocktail in the plants cannabinoids.

I find the questions that legality has generated quite intresting, is there a line and if so where is it drawn.

If i had a three year old in pain from cancer and all else failed would i consider marijuana if i knew getting them stoned would increase quality of life. Not saying id give them smoke but edibles and oils maybe.

It wasnt sarcasm but the flip side of the coin seems that the laws are not aimed at us small timers and others will dominate the vote and law for their reasons and not just so we can grow.

I think cases will come up where the laws are tested to their full extent at some point. When mj is aimed at med relief and patients is there an age limit or is it more to do with the illness. Seems unfair that an adult can use this drug but a child with the same illness couldnt.

As to rock bottom prices and mass markets of scale, that was always my main concern and worry and its happening fast, not enough growers to ever sway the vote in our favour against all the non growers who simply want access. One might say this was the worst case scenario.

More debates in my country to pressure the medicinal properties of weed on the goverment but we fear the outcome so safely im still black market and not a legal grower because at a buck or two a gram i am certainly not making the effort to grow. Eventually it will happen but till then im safe and in the majority.

I wasn't actually talking about the legality of cannabis as a treatment nor whether children should be allowed to be prescribed it, I firmly believe that that will have to be the choice of parents as well as doctors. I meant the 'last bit', "How can growers not support price drops to rock bottom".

I'm certain it's not an issue that prices come down SOME with legalization, but when they hit ROCK BOTTOM, in the worst case scenario, it will drive all the small growers and even those considered large growers today, out of business.

That doesn't include the "hobbyists" who make a little money on the side while supplying themselves and friends with quality MJ, but those whose livelihoods depend on the business side, I believe will suffer, some may eke out a living, but mostly all that will be left will be the massive commercial operations, most of which don't even exist YET, but I'm certain will and probably soon, as the social/political climate quickly adapts to the new normal.

I think this is probably a decade away, more or less, but that does not bode well, imo, for those who consume it (but don't grow), because we've already seen how big agro places profits ahead of the good/health of consumer where our food is concerned. That's my main point, and btw not a rant aimed at you, Kingrow1. Just the inevitability that this "gold rush" will not end well for many people unfortunately. BUT, I could be wrong, lol ;?D
There may always exist a small niche market for those who can grow the very best, top shelf bud consistently, although just like the seed business, a lot of that success will probably come from marketing and hype rather than the actual quality of the product. Such is the gullibility of the average consumer, lol.
Business 101

A new market is developed. (Weed)

Everybody and their dog rushes in to supply it (growers) thinking they will get rich.

An overabundance of supply exceeds demand.

Prices plummet.

Suppliers/growers/distributors who did not include a buffer for reduced prices in their business plan go broke and disappear.

The suppliers who did prepare survive and thrive in a less competitive market.

This happens EVERY SINGLE TIME with new markets.

If you failed then it is your own fault.
Quality is subjective. Real question is...can quality exist in a fully legal landscape? I think it can. And I also think it will be less than 4 or 500 a pound for the best of the best. I also think 99.9% of us wont be the ones growing it for money.
Apparently people don't care about quality anymore. Any old outdoor weed selling for $1000/lb is good enough for people huh? I think the sweet tasting smoke is going to command a higher price eventually. Like the difference between Miller beer and Sam Adams.
Old outdoor for 1000 lb? Not when theres top shelf indoor everywhere for 1400....
Old outdoor for 1000 lb? Not when theres top shelf indoor everywhere for 1400....
planet consciencous people won't buy indoor grow weed.. they'll stay to Sun grown ... It takes 200 lbs of coal to grow 1 pound of weed indoors...think about that for second..Joe shmoe who don't have a clue will buy top shelf indoor weed.. unfortunately there are a lot of Joe schmoe smokers .. I believe the green house growers will eventually be come more commen and demand a higher cost then indoor factory grown weed over time .. jmo.
planet consciencous people won't buy indoor grow weed.. they'll stay to Sun grown ... It takes 200 lbs of coal to grow 1 pound of weed indoors...think about that for second..Joe shmoe who don't have a clue will buy top shelf indoor weed.. unfortunately there are a lot of Joe schmoe smokers .. I believe the green house growers will eventually be come more commen and demand a higher cost then indoor factory grown weed over time .. jmo.
Im one of "those" people...lol
planet consciencous people won't buy indoor grow weed.. they'll stay to Sun grown ... It takes 200 lbs of coal to grow 1 pound of weed indoors...think about that for second..Joe shmoe who don't have a clue will buy top shelf indoor weed.. unfortunately there are a lot of Joe schmoe smokers .. I believe the green house growers will eventually be come more commen and demand a higher cost then indoor factory grown weed over time .. jmo.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment and prefer outdoor myself even though I now grow inside. I have Hydro power. So its a clean energy. (Apart from of cause the environmental issues of building the dams of cause). So no coal is used and no mining for coal which is just as bad for the environment as burning it.
I don't know why in this day and age coal is even used apart from emergency power. Its good to see most 1st world countries are moving away from it.
When full legalization kicks in and the corporations move in to buy up and take over this market...it will just he a handful and they will settle on a price. There will be all types of quality. If you dont think "they" can grow like us..your delusional at best. Most will be grown outside under the free sun. Where it makes economic sense. And really good stuff will be in a few giant high tech greenhouses here and there. NONE of it will be grown totally artificial indoors under any lamp. It will just be too cost prohibitive. And 2 or 3 hundred a pound is HUGE profit margins for any ag crop..which is what marijuana will become. This is the future of mj legal in America. It will take some time..but its the future. No room for the little guy. The entire indoor black market paradigm will shift. It has no reason to stay inside..which if you know the history on indoor artificial light grown cannabis...illegal is directly the reason why. In the late 70's and early 80's...really started in Washington and Oregon.And NorCal somewhat. With the law cracking down. High bay gymnasium metal halides hit the scene about 1978 around Seatlle or so. And they found that HID lamps coule grow good bud. Anyways...the entire American cannabis demand is only about 20,000 acres. Whether in a warehouse (them ops days are ticking)..greenhouse..or traditional farm acreage. An acre is an acre. And thats NOTHING for big Ag and Ag crops. The average decent farm is 1000 acres. So roughly 20 average farms can supply the entire countrys weed supply. Ive said it before..Iam saying it again..start saving your money. If you been doing this for money (I have..for almost 30 years now)...start thinking of exit strategies. I made decent money over the years but like a dumbass I didnt do anything with it except blow it and just kept on growing. My little cash register. And my money trees. Times are a changing and I honestly dont know what the fuck Iam gonna do.
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Maybe you need to look at why you started being a "medical grower" to begin with. Maybe medical cannabis actually isn't about anyone making money at all. Maybe it is actually about a plant being able to give quality of life back to people that otherwise wouldn't have any. Maybe medically helping people isn't about profiteering?
Now recreational on the other hand....
Cheers :)
What's the difference between growing it for rec. or meds? It cost's the same to produce. I'd bet the majority of people using it as "medicine" are probably not really sick, it's mostly used to grow, possess, and use legally. Have a look in the strain review forum and see how many posts have anything to do with illness or medical effects.
How many medical users never used it prior to having a prescription? How many would use it if they lost their script tomorrow? Maybe med users should lose their sense of entitlement. Using or needing some kind of medication doesn't earn you a free ride. Try donating your time at work and see how your quality of life is.
What's the difference between growing it for rec. or meds? It cost's the same to produce. I'd bet the majority of people using it as "medicine" are probably not really sick, it's mostly used to grow, possess, and use legally. Have a look in the strain review forum and see how many posts have anything to do with illness or medical effects.
How many medical users never used it prior to having a prescription? How many would use it if they lost their script tomorrow? Maybe med users should lose their sense of entitlement. Using or needing some kind of medication doesn't earn you a free ride. Try donating your time at work and see how your quality of life is.
wasn't it rosenthal that said legalization would cure all illnesses?