Whoonga ... anyone ...??

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hmm ... this little drug combo might be a new way for me
to fuse my love of weed and chemicals ... yum ... !

On a serious note tho ... I find this quite interesting ... at least to observe.

For those who have not heard, there is a drug that is picking up a lot of pace in the SA townships called Whoonga. This deadly concoction is made up of various things like rat poison, soap powder, and the main ingredient, Anti Retro-viral (AR-V’s), AIDS med’s. The mix is then rolled with weed and smoked. The result, anxiousness, aggression and potentially deadly stomach cramps. The drug is said to be one of the most addictive in the world and can hook the user after first time use. Users can experience withdrawal symptoms with in hours after the first hit.

The drug was first picked up in Durban but is starting to spread to other parts of the country. Users are said the have such extreme cramps after using the drug that they have been robbing AIDS patients as they leave the clinic. There are reports of children as young as 14 being found using the drug. It is sold for less than R50 and is readily available. There are reports of AIDS patients selling their med’s directly to dealers and users. There are even reports of people infecting themselves with AIDS intentionally so they can receive a free supply of the Anti-Retrovirals. The withdrawal is said to be potentially deadly and can take months of rehabilitation to recover from the addiction, if ever.
The question is how do we deal with this? Obviously the same approach used with drugs will not work. Weed is already illegal but the black market thrives on the desperation of the people of the townships. We can’t ban rat poison and we definitely cannot ban the AR-V’s. This drug is still young but seems to be growing in popularity. It’s negative impact is huge and it is impacting areas where education and awareness is already at a low and poverty is the name of the day’s meal. Drugs and specifically hard drugs can seem like the only way out i these areas and sometimes it is, in death. How would you propose SA approaches the problem? Authorities have already admitted that this is a difficult situation to solve as the AR-V’s can be the difference between life and death for so many. It seems once a new drug is concocted there is no stopping it.
read more ...

Hmm .... I bet I know who is making this stuff in South Africa !! ;)


Well-Known Member
How do you just decide to throw those random ass chemicals together and call it something? Sounds like no fun at all.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
The rat poison and what nots might be just a filler .... kids I tell ya there is something in them Anti Retro-viral (AR-V’s).
Smokem if you got them !!


Can you imagine, Bill Gates .... founder of the next big drug epidemic .... lol


Well-Known Member
african ghetto's are not for sissies.
I think the smokeing of the ARV's started as a cheap replacement to smokeing mandrax, which is normaly just a finely crushed tablet ( you crush it yuorself), I was addicted to the shit (mandrax) for years, and even so I could honestly not tell you what its like. Feels realy good, but suuuuuper addictive. The mandrax is smoked by mixing the powder into the top of a full cannabis pipe (normaly just made from a bottle neck). I would bet most ARV's are smoked like that.


Well-Known Member
Iv done pills (prescription and illicit,love valium and xanex, everyone should be on them constantly!), MDMA, Ketamine, coke, acid, mushrooms, salvia, mephadrone, etc...but smoking ground up ARV drugs is just retarded, when taken properly they can fuck you up so imagine what improper use can do! Seriously man, theres a whole world of substances out there and you choose one thats main ingredients are rat poision and life giving drugs stolen from AIDS/HIV patients? No offense man, but thats pretty fucked, I mean ARV drugs are surely more expensive than a few pills or a gram of coke? Some people will just take anything! :(

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
african ghetto's are not for sissies.
I think the smokeing of the ARV's started as a cheap replacement to smokeing mandrax, which is normaly just a finely crushed tablet ( you crush it yuorself), I was addicted to the shit (mandrax) for years, and even so I could honestly not tell you what its like. Feels realy good, but suuuuuper addictive. The mandrax is smoked by mixing the powder into the top of a full cannabis pipe (normaly just made from a bottle neck). I would bet most ARV's are smoked like that.
ANC thank you for dropping in and letting us now what is up ..... I was hopping you would see this post.


Well-Known Member
anc if this was real wouldent you have heard of it? it says its a very happening thing. I think that if anc has not heard of it its prolly fake.


Well-Known Member
why not just smoke some crack or heroin? it sounds like the same level of stupidity...
The effects are not nearly the same, the stupidity, is that the only information about the substance came from the same people that said pot is bad.... and they lied.

Yep, its old news here, peolpe stealing other people ARV's and selling their own, or even government employees steeling and selling it.

As for why people use it? because its cheap, the price of a crack or other chemical addiction is higher than the daily income of most.