Whoreable's Grow


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks FDD!

I was thinking not to add any nutes since its already showing some nute issues.

I think its PH though, but thanks again sir!


Well-Known Member
She just woke up, a lil droopy but that yellow hasnt gotten much worse, or better. Will fix when I find Ph.



Well-Known Member
I really gotta get a PH water kit, maybe today.

I hope you guys arent mad, I also started Flowering yesterday. Over the past 6 days I have been Increasing and Decreasing the lighting schedule for 1 hour until I reach 12/12 which was lastnight. So from now on 'She' is asleep from 3PM to 3AM and awake from 3AM to 3PM.

I willl keep you all updated as I have, so she vegged for roughly 30 Days from Taproot until Flowering. Keep in mind, I had some problems with the seedling for the first 1.5weeks. The reason I Flowerd so fast is because of, Limited Space, Limited Time, Dont want to get busted by roommates. So I figure I would hurry and find the sex, if its a male, trash it, no point in vegging a single plant for 2 months to find out it was a male. If its a female then Im going to Flower for much longer than vegative cycle, maybe 2-3 Months.

Germinated on 4/1/2008.


Well-Known Member
:weed: Day 2 Flower / 30veg :weed:

I am trying to fix the Yellow hue to the newest growth.

B) Hypothesis:
I believe its a general lack of nutes.

C) Variables:
DAY: Low:81/89

D) Materials:

MG Moisture Control, 1 Marijuana seed, H20, Indoor Lighting.
'Alaska Fish Emulsion 5-1-1'

E) Procedure/Methods:

1. Just a few drops of 'Fish Emulsion' into 1200mL of H20.
D) Results:
You decide, Ive taken Before and after photo, the 1st is Before Introduction of Nutes and 12Hours sleep. FIRST 2 PHOTOS ARE BEFORE



New Member
Nooo don't add fish sh*t to it.:spew:

With MG you have to water thoroughly and then let the soil dry out.
The only way people get nute burn from a potting soil with nutes in it is because they are not watering it properly.
You have to water the plant let the water drain through the cracks and sides of the pots and then go back and water it again.
You then leave it alone until it needs watering again. The plants will let you know if you pay close attention to them.

When I start using extra nutes I only use half strength also.
Its not a problem you need to sweat over. They look pretty good to me.

:mrgreen:But don't add that fish stuff. Thats just gross and will cause your plants to be all smelly :spew:
It really hasnt gotten too much worse but it hasent gotten better either Erysichthon, The new Growth up top is quite Yellow compared to the other lower sets and the Texture has changed in the leafs.

I dont know if the MG Moisture Control is to blame or a Lack of nutes. So i'm hesitant to add the Fish Emulsion until this clear's, dont want to kill this young beauty.


New Member
No thats not nute burn at all. That is burn from your lights being a tad too close. I get that with mine with my plants start growing into the light and I haven't moved it up yet. If you have any moisture on the leaves the light is just that much more intensified as it is magnified through the water drops.
Your plants look healthy dude just pull your lights back a bit.
Actually your plants look excellent and are doing terrific
so keep up the good work.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think she (we can all hope) looks pretty good. I sometimes see a small amount of discoloration b4 a growth spurt. No worries.....


Active Member
maaan she is looking good, i have my fingers crossed for ya bro, and if ya can, i say hell yea, clone that bitch:) However it is easy for me to say since my grow room is in my computer room, and no one ever comes up here, so there isa not alot of stealth in my grow, and tons of wide space, albeit short height in my office...I wish ya the best of luck, i sure hope she don't get all stanky on ya lol:D


Well-Known Member
Hey Whorable,

Have enjoyed watching the progress of your plant very much and wish I could get mine to grow so symmetrically and evenly. She is looking very nice.

Regarding the yellowing: I am definitely not an expert but I had a similar looking problem with one of my plants. For a while I tried to pretend I couldn't see it and just hoped it would go away on its own but when the newest leaves grew in almost yellow, I finally admitted I had a problem. After researching the issue, I decided it sounded most like a magnesium deficiency based on this description:

Magnesium is one of the easiest deficiencies to tell… the green veins along with the yellowness of the entire surrounding leave is a dead giveaway, but sometimes that’s not always the case here. In case you have one of those where it doesn’t show the green veins, sometimes leaf tips and edges may discolor and curl upward. The growing tips can turn lime green when the deficiency progresses to the top of the plant. The edges will feel like dry and crispy and usually affects the lower leaves in younger plants, then will affect the middle to upper half when it gets older, but It can also happen on older leaves as well. The deficiency will start at the tip then will take over the entire outer left and right sides of the leaves. The inner part will be yellow and or brownish in color, followed by leaves falling without withering. The tips can also twist and turn as well as curving upwards as if you curl your tongues.

(Taken from International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!)

There's a pic there which looks a lot like your plant with the darker lower leaves and lighter upper ones. A low dose of epsom salts helped my problem a lot.

I hope you get things sorted and all goes well with the flowering. I'll look back at your progress at times when I'm in a good mood and not so likely to get jealous! All the best.



Active Member
thats NOT your light burnin her bcos your using cfls they wont burn unless ther actualy touching the plant.:joint:


Active Member

been watching your postings I'm a few weeks behind, and it's my first grow, but the water stuff drives me crazy. I always killed my shit by overwatering before, and conditions played a huge part...this time I kinda under watered and they were droopy for days, I started giving them more and more, and now super green and busting. I just think the water, and feeding amounts makes the problems, or success,

Also I've been getting water ready for them by filling 1/2 gall bottles, from the tap, and let it sit out with the cap off for 24 hours, my ph is 6ish, and the clorine evaporates...we do it for our dogs water too....

If you get in a jam and can't get to a store, use a pool tester strip for ph.


Well-Known Member
I have some Urine PH test strips from when my father was alive, I dont know if it will work for just water though.

If it is calibrated right, the water ive been using is like 4.0ph and my sink water is about 7.0

So im thinking of doing a little bit of PH down in the sink water, I just never used sink water cause I dont drink it, why would my plant.


Well-Known Member
well fella's,
I think im in luck, hopefully im not wrong here but day 5 12/12 this looks to me to be a female yes?????



Well-Known Member
If its got a white hair between that close up pics its a FEMALE :)

If it has something hard growing between it then that is a MALE ;)


and why does it have 420 Magazine on your pics :D ???????