Who's been busted, and why?

Been close. I think one of the other main reasons is getting comfortable. After a the first few grows the paranoia starts to fade away, few more after that you think that everybody grow's or doesn't give a shit about the fact that you are. Start getting sloppy, leaving it laying around and smoking anywhere you want.
I got busted back in 06 one of my best buddies girlfriend called the cops on me I have no idea why she did this but who really knows why women do what they do. I actually got called into work that morning so I missed all the fun stuff cops acting tough and what not. They picked me up at work I tried to fight in cort but on got 40 days work release and 2 damn felonies
2008 I was close, I pulled my gear and plants before the cops came over for a visit. Eventually they did visit.

I was working out of this one guys house, the bottom half.. and he was trying to make a little extra money, well he gets pulled over by APD, and the people he was with had warrants and they all had meth on them. As well as a felony ammount in the van that they eventually found when the van was taken to impound.

Well he makes it back to the house, on bail he calls me and let me know that he got busted. And his friends know about the grow. Well a few hours later I'm tearing everything down.. Sucks to be me I already fronted money on more ballasts and reflectors. And we had a felony plant count.

Tweakers suck,
Greedy people suck,
When you ask somebody to keep a low profile, and not to fuck around and they get popped. that sucks.
People that dont know to shut the fuck up when growing.. I mean I know its his house but still, if I get caught when gardening.. well that sucks.
Hate to say it but be careful with plant count, I try to keep it under 50 at all times it kinda sucks. Its kinda why I like not to keep clones and blooming plants in the same location.

All I gotta say is be ready to tear down a grow at a moments notice.. if you hesitate you might get an expensive and lengthy time out.
Only in northern Mexico
and southern Canada
are druggies afraid of the cops,
elsewhere on this great green plant
the cops fall into line like everyone else,
or pay the price

Border land haha no doubt. I wouldnt be caught dead bringing anything to the states unless it was by boat (and trust me I dont have a plan lol)
I was kinda busted, senior year my pops crokes unexpectedly (to everyone but me idk why people were surprised a 300 pound diabetic on a breathing machine died) so the sharrif comes to poke around and make sure it wasn't a homicide or suicide, finds trim in the basement and confiscates it, then walks around on his phone "looking for service" well he musta mistook our tomatoes for cell towers cause he went right to the garden, they tore out 50-75 plants several weeks into flower and showed them to us, naturally we had no clue and were "shocked" we'll my sister and I pinned it all on dad, he didn't object, and the deceased generally miss their court dates so they liaded em up and dropped the issue. on the bright side they missed about 20 in another garden row a few feet away and 100+ clones at the end of the row they were in, never even drove by or gave any of my family any more scrutiny (occured in ohio 2012 if anyomes wondering) so I suppose dont have the morbidly ill around your op and, fate can always get you to, a car hit a house in my township the other day uf there'da been an op they'da been fucked, not much you can do about acts of god
I was kinda busted, senior year my pops crokes unexpectedly (to everyone but me idk why people were surprised a 300 pound diabetic on a breathing machine died) so the sharrif comes to poke around and make sure it wasn't a homicide or suicide, finds trim in the basement and confiscates it, then walks around on his phone "looking for service" well he musta mistook our tomatoes for cell towers cause he went right to the garden, they tore out 50-75 plants several weeks into flower and showed them to us, naturally we had no clue and were "shocked" we'll my sister and I pinned it all on dad, he didn't object, and the deceased generally miss their court dates so they liaded em up and dropped the issue. on the bright side they missed about 20 in another garden row a few feet away and 100+ clones at the end of the row they were in, never even drove by or gave any of my family any more scrutiny (occured in ohio 2012 if anyomes wondering) so I suppose dont have the morbidly ill around your op and, fate can always get you to, a car hit a house in my township the other day uf there'da been an op they'da been fucked, not much you can do about acts of god
I like you bro!!
Grow for yourself and don't tell and don't sell, simple as that! risk reward ratio guys it ain't worth getting a felony rap for a few ounces of bud. I supply me myself and my wife, and if a buddy runs short I'll throw a bud or two his way and tell him to return the favour.
I did get busted in 94 for distributing cocaine that shit sucked, 1.5 years of my life gone, a "good" friend did me in.
How many of you have been busted for growing, and how did it happen? I'm using this as a learning thread (things to avoid doing, things to do). If you're comfortable talking about it, leave a comment below.

Thanks Guys!
I lost 2 plants, a few seedlings and about 3k worth of equipment when the cops visited on an 'unrelated' matter and smelt them in the garage. $250 fine lol
I lost 2 plants, a few seedlings and about 3k worth of equipment when the cops visited on an 'unrelated' matter and smelt them in the garage. $250 fine lol

Where were you, country/province/state etc.?? Thats shitty they took all of your equipment. This reminds me of a second incident i forgot to mention. Me and the gf (same one as last story) were fighting (again of course). We came home from a friends drinking one night and I guess we were arguing about something. She flips out so I take a walk, I come back and shes even more pissed lol.. I ended up finally just flipping out.. cops show up due to neighbours. The cops pushed their way in because it was called based on a domestic dispute so they do not need permission or a warrant to come in. I didnt know this of course, regardless I should have just left and stayed somewhere else that night. They came in looking around, I had punched 2 holes in a door so they snooped around more and in the spare bedroom I had a couple plants growing under a 400watt in the closet. When the cops came I ripped all the plants out cuz I didnt know what to do lol. These must have been noob cops I tell yuh cuz what happened was they asked each of us who's plants they were, I blamed them on her and she blamed them on me of course lol. They didnt charge either of us cuz they said no one admitted to it and we have no proof of whos it is. In my head at the time i was like "wtf are u dumb? you should be charging us both right now". Instead they removed the dead plants, left my equipment, took a bong, took my bottom of the bag 2 grams of shake, left the buster and charged me with mischief under $5000 in a domestic situation for damaging a door of which was my own property? Really? lmao
I have a bit of a record, but no drug charges, and have never been to prison, am in alberta, and dont know the laws so Im hoping it is something similar to this. I have found info before on the laws here but it was from a sketchy site, not sure if its true or was true or if its just bs but. Here it says 1-3 plants is 12 months in jail and/or a $5000 fine. Which im thinking is way too intense for Canada lol. Although it seems alberta doesnt have any doctors to sign where as ontario (where im from) or bc just next to us has ALL of the doctors you could ever imagine to sign haha. So maybe alberta is just a hardass i dont know. Just want to cover my ass a bit. Right now ive exceeded that no matter what probably with 12 plants (8 flowering, 2 clones, 2 mothers) but after this grow i was going to jump down to 3-6 to be more reasonable lol.
12 month and 5000 is the maximum penalty available, for example if it was your 20th time getting caught or something. they don't give you the maximum there is a starting sentencing range through to the maximum