Whos been fucked for being nice?


Well-Known Member
Im not mad, just kinda bummed. I was at wallmart buying my sister two front tires for her car cause they where bald and the chords where showing. She would drive untill they exploded, and she can't afford to pay her bills so i decided to get her new ones. While I waited 3 or so hours for them to get mounted; i went to family video to get some games for my little brother to play sense schools out. Then 150$ fell out of my wallet. I found this out when i got back to wallmart and the money was gone. So i had to pay with my debit card, and i ended up paying 320.00$ for two tires... I'm broke as hell now


Well-Known Member
Me... you don't even want to know... helped a friend move out of town and almost ended up in jail for the rest of my life for it.


Well-Known Member
i dont quite understand are you saying you got fuck cuz you lost your cash and ended up havein to use your debit card! and if so its not like your sister shited you or something you just had some bad luck! but you want to be there for your sister right!


Well-Known Member
yeah but sometimes bad things like that happen for a reason but remember that you probably had helped out someone i know you feel bum but jus its money and ur family is more important


Active Member
i know how that is, i helped give a friend a ride home and he asked if i could stop at a gas station that evening to get something to drink. i pull up to it and it is closed, my "friend" said, "whats that?!" i turn to him and he is holding a gun at me telling me to get out of MY CAR and walk away. yeah fucking dick got arressted 2 miles down the road and is now in jail for 10 years for armed robbery and grand theft auto.


Well-Known Member
i know how that is, i helped give a friend a ride home and he asked if i could stop at a gas station that evening to get something to drink. i pull up to it and it is closed, my "friend" said, "whats that?!" i turn to him and he is holding a gun at me telling me to get out of MY CAR and walk away. yeah fucking dick got arressted 2 miles down the road and is now in jail for 10 years for armed robbery and grand theft auto.




Well-Known Member
bob marley once said . the good that you do will follow you, the bad will stick with you.

dont worry good karma will be coming your way soon

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
I generally live in a perpetual state of being 'fu#ked over'... but it's just how you look at it...:joint:

Every day there is less and less 'good people' in the world, those who are simply selfish and care for nothing than themselves and those who are simply corrupted into becoming bad people because they lose their drive and purpose to be good....

It would seem that those who do wrong and treat others badly seem to get away with everything these days..:-?..... and those who are honest and try hard are always getting the short straw.....

But I know in life, that everything comes full circle sooner or later, and those who do wrong WILL get their 'cumuppins':peace:

You are not born good or bad.. it is always your choice.



Well-Known Member
I was driving my motorcycle south down the 405/5 split and a highway patrol pulled me over and said I was doing 110mph for the past 2 miles. I was on a 1985 yamaha 550cc doing maybe 60mph...ok maybe 65mph when I merged onto the 5. The faulker gave me a break and only wrote it for 90 in a 55. Man you want to talk about being LIVID!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

**EDIT** This was located in SoCal.