Who's BLUEBERRY should I grow?


Well-Known Member
I just happened to be putting a Blueberry seed in to soak at this moment. It's Blue Fruit from DinaFem; the description makes it clear that it's Oregon Blueberry, Indica,, but that's all I know. I got it as a freebie, with Blue Hash. (I'm doing a flavor run- starting Blue Fruit, Tangerine Dream, Strawberry Diesel, Third Dimension, Grapefruit, and Agent Orange right now! More singles from Pick & Mix)


Well-Known Member
I hop some forums and I came across this one looking into highgrade seeds (HGS). "http://forum.grasscity.com/indoor-grow-journals/350582-third-grow-blueberry-hgs.html?highlight=high+grade+seeds+blueberry" I've heard a lot of good things about HGS so far. He went through some kinda nute burn issues (ph i think) and he had 2 different phenos. But overall the plants looked tasty and yielded 4.6 oz with a 250W conversion bulb+ 3CLFs.
i have grown HGS nl#5, that was pretty good, also ran his brainwreck, more of a mixed result there
but curious about his BB, haven't seen any grows of that, so thanks for link


Well-Known Member
I got jordan of the isles BB goin into flower right now, so far so good. Couldn't bring myself to splurge on the dj short.