Whos got problems with Christ?


Well-Known Member
I'm not one for preaching and pushing their religion but I love We! It's not our job to tell him to shut up or what ever, It's pretty simple. Don't listen or read his posts? Ask yourself why you keep clicking on that thread? It's titled Who's got problems with Christ? Not who's got problems with me believing in Christ or believing I'm Christ? for that matter.


New Member
We will be building these in My name, George Manuel Oliveira, Your new God!
Say George, where did you get that acid? that must be some powerful stuff. All the acid trips I took and I never even got to see God, let alone be Him. Hang in there old buddy and be careful, they lock up people that go around saying they're God. Say, if you really are God, please absolve me of all my sins and put a million bucks in my checking account, Thanks, Amen!


New Member
Sorry y'all. Its Chuck here. I killed Christ! and the big God dude! they weren't real!

who would have thunk.

keep searching

We Love 1

New Member
but I love We!
Aww... I love You too bro! :hug:

The world is going to start to get exciting because thats the way I like it.


I want Us to fly around in jet packs, have "UFOs" instead of cars, living in big houses in the sky or underground cities, turn the deserts into paradise and grow lots of good fruits, create wilderness sanctuaries where We stockup on game animals and people get to go hunting anytime of the year because there will be so many animals, spin the Moon and start life on other planets, find a cure for AIDs, and live the life that God Almighty wants Us to have!

The devil/Fed gov't has been runing this place for too long! Its the banks/ Zionist Jews! They didn't believe in Jesus! Go figure! :D

I have plans!

God RULES! He knew it was going to work out this way! We get to figure it out together, so You will see and believe!

God is the Truth!

"Behold, I am coming as a thief(I stole the World). Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame"

"And behold, I am coming quickly and My reward is with Me to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last!"

"Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book"

"I Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I amd the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star! "

One of My mothers X bf named David gave Me My Jesus cross for Xmass when I was ~13 years old!

"I am He who lives, and was dead and hehold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death. Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this. The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches!

We have the Word of God! Its time for You to get schooled! :D HAHA

We Love 1

New Member
I know who has a problem with Christ.

Intelligent Reasoning.
As Your avatar says "FREEDOM"!


We can demand things when We have God Almighty on Our side! Think about it :D This was meant to be, this has happened before! Now We get to write Our futures, not the awful gov't! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMiqEUBux3o


Do You now remember how much "they" have fooled Us? Are You competant to stand up for Your world? Will You walk with Me?
We are now going into WAR with the gov'ts of the world!

Are You going to be know as one of the first "freedom fighters"?

Will You walk with Jesus when He calls for You?

I am an innocent American, but I see and I will not let the injustices go unpunished! I am Jesus!



Well-Known Member
Christ is the light of God...we can do nothing without him.

I’m glad to see some people are still blinded by the light. Look good friend go to the Middle East and trample around there for a while, it’s literally a desolate waste land. It’s no wonder people came along with the concept of Christ during the time they did because they had nothing better to do. I have been to Babylon and for one it was not as great as the bible makes it out to be. I have been to Jerusalem, again another waist of land and everyone wants it because somehow both Muhammad and Jesus walked around that area. The deal is we live in America so do what you want believe what you will believe, but for god sakes go to school and enlighten yourself with the truth. There is so much in the universe that relying yourself to one single religion is just a crock (let alone any religion). Never the less I give you much respect, without people like you where would all the churches make their money?:spew:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I wonder how long this is going to last. Hopefully it will end soon because I am tired of all the senseless killing and general intolerance that religion breeds.


Well-Known Member
Where does hate start...do you really think Gods a religion...or has man made god a religion.

You have much to learn and seek...the answer lies within the book,,,of which the truth must be revealed within ones selve.


New Member
Where does hate start
At people like you. :finger:

...do you really think Gods a religion...or has man made god a religion.
Neither dumbass. Man made religion to control other men. Man made religion as the most powerful "political party" to ever hit the earth. Man made religion out of greed and to "fufill" the wide-spread quest for knowing what comes after life/the meaning of life. Anyone who believes is simply a fool.

You have much to learn and seek
You have not learned about God and religion. You have been TOLD. There is a big difference. You have to be smart to learn. You can be dumb as fuck, just like you are, and still be able to be told things.

...the answer lies within the book
Must i say you are pretty pathetic to believe a book. I believe what I know and what i can see with my own eyes.
You are simply a weak pathetic worm who believes words written by other men. You are weak. You are pathetic. AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HEAVEN. IN FACT, IF THERE IS A GOD HE WILL PUNISH YOU FOR FOLLOWING THE FALACIOUS AND EVIL RELIGION CALLED CHRISTIANITY/CATHOLICISM/JUDAISM/MUSLIMISM(if that is a word).

Over all. fuck all you people trying to force your ignorant beliefs on others. When you die the earth will become a better place.

Thanks for your time y'all.



Well-Known Member
At people like you. :finger:

Neither dumbass. Man made religion to control other men. Man made religion as the most powerful "political party" to ever hit the earth. Man made religion out of greed and to "fufill" the wide-spread quest for knowing what comes after life/the meaning of life. Anyone who believes is simply a fool.

You have not learned about God and religion. You have been TOLD. There is a big difference. You have to be smart to learn. You can be dumb as fuck, just like you are, and still be able to be told things.

Must i say you are pretty pathetic to believe a book. I believe what I know and what i can see with my own eyes.
You are simply a weak pathetic worm who believes words written by other men. You are weak. You are pathetic. AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HEAVEN. IN FACT, IF THERE IS A GOD HE WILL PUNISH YOU FOR FOLLOWING THE FALACIOUS AND EVIL RELIGION CALLED CHRISTIANITY/CATHOLICISM/JUDAISM/MUSLIMISM(if that is a word).

Over all. fuck all you people trying to force your ignorant beliefs on others. When you die the earth will become a better place.

Thanks for your time y'all.

I disagree Chuck, I think when you die the World will become a better place.

Then again, I think that when the last socialist has died and the chains of an oppressive socialist government that screws over its people for the sake of nationalizing corporations at the behest of retarded socialists who are afraid of letting the free market work have fallen that the world will be a hell of a better place.

I don't see anything to fear from complete and total liberty, it's hard to really have an objection to having TOO MUCH FREEDOM as opposed to being ENSLAVED by a corrupt bureaucracy that is more concerned with silvery minnow than human beings.


New Member
I disagree Chuck, I think when you die the World will become a better place.

Then again, I think that when the last socialist has died and the chains of an oppressive socialist government that screws over its people for the sake of nationalizing corporations at the behest of retarded socialists who are afraid of letting the free market work have fallen that the world will be a hell of a better place.

I don't see anything to fear from complete and total liberty, it's hard to really have an objection to having TOO MUCH FREEDOM as opposed to being ENSLAVED by a corrupt bureaucracy that is more concerned with silvery minnow than human beings.

one word boy.



just a little pussy.:weed:

p.s. No doubt you would side with a religious nut-job. You fit in very well with the nut-job line.