Who's Got The Purplest Buds? Let's See How Purple A Bud Can Really Get!

Which Color Plants/Buds Do You Like Best?

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yeaaaa i kno wat cha mean... phone cameras dont always take the best pics. =/ well if u get bored.. id still like to see the pics.. even if theyre cell phone pics

the main reason for not posting any pic's is cause im kinda nervous about posting that kinda material. I know almost everyone else on this site does post pics but i have always just been too nervous to.

Is there anyway that the pics could be traced to where they were taken at if i do post them? I have heard of something on cell phones that can track where the pics came from.
I'm probably just parinoid ...

please let me know about that though, if u know anything about that kinda stuff ...
Hey Chris how's it going bro. Another cool thread man, I can prolly dig a few pics up ;) It would be nice to not have negative comments on potency in the thread,,,keep the karma good. We pretty much all know whats good pot anyways lol.

Let me go see what I can find, gotta go close up shop upstairs first it's bedtime for em.
Not sure if these should be in the purple catagory or the white ;). I'll try and post pics each day man, should have enough for two or three weeks!

These are Void aka my P10. Quick finisher at 7.5 weeks and I guess this would be the grape tasting pheno that subby talks about. It takes cold temps to bring the colors out. Ocean Forest soil with ammendments and Cornucopia nutes with Synergy and Nitrozime are what I use.

nice pics here is one i found on here a while ago. its God Bud from Bc Seed Co

wow. very nice man!! =D love seein the color difference wen the purple bud meets the green stem.. look bomb tho. bet it had a nice taste!

Hey Chris how's it going bro. Another cool thread man, I can prolly dig a few pics up ;) It would be nice to not have negative comments on potency in the thread,,,keep the karma good. We pretty much all know whats good pot anyways lol.

Let me go see what I can find, gotta go close up shop upstairs first it's bedtime for em.

thanks. yeaa so far its off to a good start. just figured my other thread was pretty popular. soo why not make anotehr just for colored buds. =) and yeaaa most real growers know that u sacrifice potency for color/bag appeal.. this thread is just to show off colors and wat not. =)

and aiight man. ill be lookin forward to them! u dont see many "pink" phenos like u had. the BSB.. and the liver x cc too.... =) youve got quite a few diff strains with nice color. lol
Not sure if these should be in the purple catagory or the white ;). I'll try and post pics each day man, should have enough for two or three weeks!

wow see thats why i asked u to post pics! hahaha and aiight man ill be lookin forward to the other pics throughout the weeks. =D wat strain is that!!? one of the frostier/purple strains ive seen
@ Highlander - you're a maniac! Props to you- just about every stain you touch turns to gold! That's just an awesome job!
nobody cvan argue with those nugs hc. that purp aint no garbage for sure!

purps i've run previously







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Hey Don thanks man!

If I had to guess I would say the first two pics are the purple pheno of the Breeders Boutique Livers x Cherry cheese but tell me who is the frosty bitch in pics 3 and 4 and what ever happened to her?
damn you have a keen eye man. yeah first two are the smelly cherry or CCL whichever you prefer haha. the rest are the qrazy train mother that went into the qrazy quake ;)
damn you have a keen eye man. yeah first two are the smelly cherry or CCL whichever you prefer haha. the rest are the qrazy train mother that went into the qrazy quake ;)

oo is that wat the smelly cherry is! ccxl? never knew that! lol. adn wow.. the qrazy train mom is very impressive looking!! hope sum of that comes thru in the QQ i got goin!
its cherry assasin x black rose x exo cheese X livers. i cant wait to get a smoke of it again. 6 weeks and counting!!"!! the QQ has two pheno's at the moment i'm back crossing to both but i think only one will make the cut. the frosty stinky one hahaha
its cherry assasin x black rose x exo cheese X livers. i cant wait to get a smoke of it again. 6 weeks and counting!!"!! the QQ has two pheno's at the moment i'm back crossing to both but i think only one will make the cut. the frosty stinky one hahaha

wow. that sounds awesome!! yeaa im gonna have ALOT of nice new smoke in about 6-7 weeks... full moon. northern lights. ak 48. bubblicious. sensi star. warlock. black sour bubble. jack herrer... think thtas it? =) should be a good way to compare which strains i like better. nice side by side comparisons.

and do either of the QQ's have a purple/pink pheno? its doin really good tho. growing very quickly. =) very very light green tho. only a week or 2 old so far tho
the main reason for not posting any pic's is cause im kinda nervous about posting that kinda material. I know almost everyone else on this site does post pics but i have always just been too nervous to.

Is there anyway that the pics could be traced to where they were taken at if i do post them? I have heard of something on cell phones that can track where the pics came from.
I'm probably just parinoid ...

please let me know about that though, if u know anything about that kinda stuff ...

i dont think theres any way to do any of this.... i think if there was a way.. many many many ppl would be in jail right now. lol. especially the ppl ostin pics of their 100 plant grow ops.. but heyy. if ur paranoid man then dont do it. better to be safe than sorry. but i dont think u have anything to worry about.. ppl post pics. pics of their houses. animals. sum ppl even post pics of their faces or just body shots.. newspapers where more info can be seen... and ive never heard of any1 gettin busted
i hate how purple buds look so good, usually verry tasty, but always lacks potency imo

The strongest bud I've ever had was a purple one, a friend brought it to a session, it was around 6 at night... by 6:30pm I was waking up at 4 in the morning on a couch I have no recollection of crossing the room to get to... Never been able to get anymore of it either... That bums me out...
The strongest bud I've ever had was a purple one, a friend brought it to a session, it was around 6 at night... by 6:30pm I was waking up at 4 in the morning on a couch I have no recollection of crossing the room to get to... Never been able to get anymore of it either... That bums me out...

wow.. i want sum of wat U were smokin! hahahaha. yeaaa id rather have sum nice colored bud.. that tastes and smells amazing and is nice and smooth... and gives me a nice buzz where i can go out and get things done... rather than bland/harsh tasting weed that i smoke and makes me wanna fall asleep right after. lol. even tho most "non-purple" weed isnt blad or harsh... but you get what im saying. lol.
i am surprised at how man people chose the "white" strain in the poll. i thought for sure purple/pink/blue would have the most votes! =) although a nice frosty bud is hard not to love.