Who’s ready for massive unemployment

that had absolutely nothing to with that bet , but liars and frauds like yourself find a way to justify your shitty ways. shows your character and how you should not be believed nor trusted
Everyone I had the bet with got banned. Oh well. Nothing I could do

you upset ?
Londonfog aka bucks white knight is arguing with buck. hilarious. Come on london you have given ol wordz 100's of replies defending bucks honor and now you finally see he's a piece of shit. funny.
"Good for business, good for the economy"- George H.W. Bush
Dang! Why does he stay in my memory? Oh, yeah. It revolves around Dick Cheney.
May 7: 3.6 million new jobless claims
May 14: 3 million new jobless claims
May 21: 2.4 million new jobless claims
May 28: 2.1 million new jobless claims

June 5th: ummmmmmm, unemployment went way down in May. Believe me
lol you know I can't because I released the password onto multiple forums as I do with all my accounts. cuz it's funny. I get to make new ones whenever I want!
I've had a quick scan through the old posts on your original account, you were an anti social asshole then too, with lot's of issues about racism, bigotry & homophobia seems to be a big thing with you, though I suspect you swing both ways. The usual symptoms in sociopaths such as yourself, you're boring and don't have a lot of intellectual capacity, narcissism and attention seeking draw you here, hence the consistency of naming socks, you value your seniority here and want to flout it, it is one of the few things you managed to accomplish in your miserable life, not get banned permanently, which is not a happy one or particularly useful.

You don't really have an agenda, you don't give a fuck about anybody, blacks and others are just someone weak to bully and feel strong. You want to anger the decent people who reject you in your real life for being an utter asshole. A person like you has no friends, only victims.
An old post and it's in character, the murdered child Trayvon Martin was the butt of many racist jokes too, anybody can look it up psycho.

Well-Known Member

Jun 29, 2012
only dumb people trust jews

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May 7: 3.6 million new jobless claims
May 14: 3 million new jobless claims
May 21: 2.4 million new jobless claims
May 28: 2.1 million new jobless claims

June 5th: ummmmmmm, unemployment went way down in May. Believe me
I mean for fucks sakes, are the Trump officials even trying anymore? This is our actual government BLS document explaining how the data is garbage (just like the testing of the virus is as well, to fog up any actual public understanding of what is going on with it). This is a bullshit report, I am still reading it, but this is

Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at 5.22.51 PM.png

They cooked the books by asking a question about if they were quarantining and chose not to count those people in the normal way.

Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at 5.33.21 PM.png
I mean for fucks sakes, are the Trump officials even trying anymore? This is our actual government BLS document explaining how the data is garbage (just like the testing of the virus is as well, to fog up any actual public understanding of what is going on with it). This is a bullshit report, I am still reading it, but this is

View attachment 4588665

They cooked the books by asking a question about if they were quarantining and chose not to count those people in the normal way.

View attachment 4588669
If you don’t test for cases, cases go way down

If you don’t count the unemployed people, unemployment goes down too

In case you haven't noticed, nobody has health care right now. Doesn't matter if it's medicare, Medicare for all, ACA or fucking voodoo.

Try making a dr's. appointment right now. They just call in scripts, don't want to see anyone who isn't deathly I'll and even then they send them to the ER.

Medical is all over the phone right now.

And you can forget eye care or dental, out of the question right now. Don't get sick and good luck.
There's your fucking health care.
my favorite chart from the Axios interview:


4 basic bars and look! the blue represents America..'we're last which means we're first!'

Anyone think the Democrats will eventually implement some kind of New Deal type infrastructure workforce with different kinds of training and departments. I'm kind of dreaming but they could build out

Telecom, ( enable effective low cost hybrid remote learning )
Transportation. (New traffic routes, high speed rail?)
Housing/Construction ( trades training)
Health. ( More doctors and nurses to deal with future pandemics more hospitals, stipend for being on call for the 10 year or free to own housing.)
Science (new materials, resources)

Public private partnerships with guaranteed 10 year contract based on performance reviews.
If you're going to give away menu might as well get something back from it. People would be proud to say they rebuilt the nation.

It could also put a lot of cops back to work when they get defunded.