Who’s ready for massive unemployment

I’m listening
russia and usa is a team - china stands to benefit. Global warming is only preached upon the west - china stands to benefit. The same government that is the end game of a peoples uprising is the same government that has god damn slaves making nikes right now so Kapernick can kneel for the flag and all the repubs can think it was about the military or some shit either way both sides complete assholes. But onto the left. What in the ever loving fuck has the last 4 years been from ya'll? You guys are not at all gaining the populace. You're about to send a fucking senile old man out on stage to get slaughtered by troll president. Like wtf. I get this whole Trump is a scumbag thing but do you not see them on the dem side too? Do you really think getting some fucktard like Biden would really stick it to the corporations and make it better for people in poverty? You know damn well it won't happen because all your top politicians HAVE BEEN THERE AND GOTTEN US TO THIS POINT. Look at them in debate bro and tell me that's better than the last 3 .5 years. Look at both those inepts who haven't remotely taken down the pharmaceutical industry or gone against insurance. ( isn't mandated insurance just free money for insurance execs) or how about right now we are clearly watching a multiple month shutdown unfold and you think healthcare could be afforded for all when most of us are going to be fucking broke broke broke like on the damn streets in about 3 months. How the fuck is giving the same people who aint stopped shit from getting to this point more access to the common mans money the solution? it's fucking BATSHIT and end rant
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omg I can't stand this you 2 should be ashamed. 2 americans arguing at each other instead of some rando foreigners. If we can't communize on that how can we communize on health care, gasoline, food, student loans, overdraft fees, and a lil spendin money cuz I got to look cute. Absurd. I aint joining the lie cult. I'm going to follow an Honest Man Like Donald Trayvon Trump.
omg I can't stand this you 2 should be ashamed. 2 americans arguing at each other instead of some rando foreigners. If we can't communize on that how can we communize on health care, gasoline, food, student loans, overdraft fees, and a lil spendin money cuz I got to look cute. Absurd. I aint joining the lie cult. I'm going to follow an Honest Man Like Donald Trayvon Trump.
There is a problem with that conclusion, it seems.

Honesty in a person is measured by the number of times they have lied. With Trump, it's measured by the time between lies. Roughly, 5 hours or so. It's all stored on that super de duper server where the phone record of Trump's abuse of power during a call with Ukraine was stored.
There is a problem with that conclusion, it seems.

Honesty in a person is measured by the number of times they have lied. With Trump, it's measured by the time between lies. Roughly, 5 hours or so. It's all stored on that super de duper server where the phone record of Trump's abuse of power during a call with Ukraine was stored.
yeah but Biden basically lies during the debates with bernie and gets called on it so there is that. I'm not out here trying to say that Trump is a great guy I'm just saying I don't see any difference between his bullshit and Bidens bullshit. And Biden is actually losing his mind. Like ya'll can act like that's a sharp brain but I've seen what age can do and it's that. Dude aint right. His damn son banged out his dead sons wife bro. Come the fuck on. Trump at least kept his wealth in the family Biden forces companies to pay his son. BIden aint honest. and he's losing his mind. Cuz I'm sure BIdens plan for getting us out of the corona viruse crash prolly involves my family getting our money stolen by an entity that drone strikes other families on the daily while telling me they are going to take care of us and we should be an accepting and tolerant culture. but we still drone striking so fuck it. Who's going to let me keep more?
And Trump is a pillar of truth.

You morons are all the fucking same, go eat some more paint chips.

Enjoy the recession and pandemic.
No Trump is up until corona shut down the earth the greatest president for my pocket that ever existed and probably will ever exist. All politicians are liars. We can't Trust nothing any of them say. Whenever it's told to us that it helps we often find out 5 years later it was bullshit that enriched a corporation AGAIN. Biden was literally the vice president while bailing out banks ( who I'm pretty sure are ran by billionaires or close.) The auto industry. Somehow is giving guns to fucking cartels in some demented program where they sold them guns to see where they would go but obviously didn't. They fucking armed the cartels. Then after our service members die defending our fucking embassy the government Biden was #2 of fucking told us they rose up cuz a made up youtube video. What lies got you mad that Trump said? When he sharpied a path of a storm? For fucks sake go watch the video Chelsea manning released of our military 50 cal'ing 100's of civilians while Biden is #2. in the USA. NO BRO FUCK THAT SHIT. Trump was staring at tits backstage while all that shit was going on that's about the jist of the worst you got on the guy.