Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

I don't have a type, I just like bitches
I love em' all, as long as they are relatively fit...which means not a ginormous fat cow.

I'd rather have a chick that has some meat on her bones than a chick that's skinny / anorexic.

For me, it's all about the hips. Something about a nice set of woman hips makes me glad to be a man.
I love em' all, as long as they are relatively fit...which means not a ginormous fat cow.

I'd rather have a chick that has some meat on her bones than a chick that's skinny / anorexic.

For me, it's all about the hips. Something about a nice set of woman hips makes me glad to be a man.

This is what I was wondering about in the OP. Do the hips have to have that crazy proportion to the waist? as in: (random google image, but illustrates my point)


Or can it look like:

i think the first one is a bit extreme, but i gotta admit, there's something super sexy about a nice thing waste, and nice wide, baby making hips imvho..

See, I look at the bigger hips and think, "it will turn to shit by age 40" LOL. Always pragmatic about such things. Like for me the huge, muscle bound Mr. Olympians are just….. ew. Not into bodybuilder physiques. Usually they neglect the legs and look ridiculous. And why are they always short? OK I digress…

But the hourglass figure I can totally understand. It's very feminine. You guys' posts are surprising me. I figured this would dissolve into a porn star posting frenzy. Most of the women you've chosen have been classically beautiful and nicely proportioned.
This is what I was wondering about in the OP. Do the hips have to have that crazy proportion to the waist? as in: (random google image, but illustrates my point) Or can it look like:


What's not to like?

Top lady has some awesome woman hips, bottom lady seems fit and athletic. Either is a winner in my book, especially in clothes that accentuate those lady hips.

Some chicks bitch about wearing dresses / skirts, but they accentuate those awesome hips, which makes any lady more lovely. I've always been a sucker for a lady in a dress...always will be.