Why all the arguments over LED vs HPS ?

I have the reverse problem than most. i need the heat to keep the temps up in my grow room in the cellar so with LEDs I'd need to have the heater running too and heaters don't grow plants as well as lights do.
Thats crazy. Yea run a few hps and those DE's fucking get hotttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! I can barley hold temp on the SE hps bulbs when the high summer temps hit.
Because a good led doesnt cost $1000. My lighting cost under $250 USD and is equal in performace to 400w of bulb. and ill never have to replace a bulb ever and wont have to deal with heat. Quit exaggerating to bolster your own opinion.
I can run 2 600 hps for 250$... Still doesnt make sense to me for yield comparison...not tryin to argue if u like them thats great....i like the heat....keeps me from runnin heaters 9 months out of the year
Where do you live that you'd need to run heaters 9 months out of the year? Northern Canada or Siberia? :)

I'm in northern Alberta about a 6 hour drive north of Edmonton and without HID lights I'd need added heat in the grow room damn near 12 months of the year so I wouldn't save a dime on power using LEDs and have to pay a bunch up front to get them. You rarely see NEED for heat being discussed when talking about what lights to buy.