Why am i not seeing any trichs?


Active Member
title says it all... i see all these nice frosty pics of other peoples grows, and everybody's sayin to check the trichs for "doneness" but my plants don't seem to be getting frosty... i got an AK-48 thats been flowering since the beginning of august but no frosty goodness to check out... WTF? am i doing something wrong? i don't have pics yet but if needed i will venture out with the camera. the nugs are developing and getting pretty big, whats up wit that???:wall:
could be that your bud is darker and they aren't showing up that great to the naked eye. some strains are just very frosty, others aren't. don't worry though, it seems that you still have a few weeks left to go so let the plant do its thing!


Well-Known Member
where did u get ur seeds thats kinda odd if its a true ak-48 seed. ne pics have u had ne problems with the plant during flowering? discoloration ne thing?


Well-Known Member
im shure it will still be some great bud man ull learn to improve ur techneque over time. i bet it will get some trics by the time its done. sometimes the trics arnt long enough for u to see with the naked eye bag seed strains are usaly like this. the real long trics are the visable ones. good luck and happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
My Pure AK and Neville's Haze did not get real frosty, but both are great smoke. And the Pure AK is based on AK 48. Seems like the indica doms get a frostier appearance, but that is limited experience talking.


Active Member
i'll take the hike tomorrow an grab some pics... i got all my seeds from attitude this year, so it's not just some random bag seed... it smells great and looks alright (some yellowing and some purple stems), but it's getting to be that time when yellowing occurs right?


Well-Known Member
i'll take the hike tomorrow an grab some pics... i got all my seeds from attitude this year, so it's not just some random bag seed... it smells great and looks alright (some yellowing and some purple stems), but it's getting to be that time when yellowing occurs right?
depends where you're at in flowering and how much and often you feed them

where im at im going in to week 5 not too many yellow leaves just a couple down low thats not gettin much sunlight


Well-Known Member
i have a plant just starting to throw some trichs, 5-6 weeks in flower. before then there were basically no trichs visible to the naked eye. im sure if u let her finish to her full potintial, she'll frost up quite a bit in these final weeks


Active Member
just sayn havent feed my plant any bloom nutes or anything for well over 2 months and myne have been flowering for maby a month, and its like turning white lol


Active Member
this is my first on my own grow and its all bag seed idn to much about anything yet i was just sayn lol....like i started with 25 bag seed plants and lost all to males and animals and now i have 4 left anf one is rotting away and 2 got eatn again somehow and my other is still living and cyristaly lol