Provided that's true (which I do believe, but this IS the internet), they're lunatics. But, I guarantee I can find a "black website" equally as insane fairly quick.From their website:
"White & Red Cherokee Indians are Hidden Babylonians (Democrats). The
reason GOD chose TRUMP to be President is to Deliver the White & Black
Man (Hebrews) from the Babylonians (Arabs, East Indians, White Slav
Cherokees/Democrats & infiltraitors of the Republicans like the White
Cherokess Sen. McCain & Flake)! Who Block good Policy that free White
Gentiles & Black People from these unjust Rulers (Judges, Congressmen
& Senators) who Fine Regulate, Foreclose, & over Tax us into Poverty!
President Trump is that Great Gentile King CYRUS, Isa.45:1-6! In latter
days the Gentiles will realize they inherited the Lie that they were the
Slave Traders, the KKK & the Racists, Jer.16:19."
lmao. Nice try though. You can "label" me anything you want.Six including @Creature1969 and @Stroker. I'll bet @reddan1981 is on board too because he hates groupthink.
aren't you the guy who posted this as a "joke"?It's absurd and false to say all Trump supporters...
View attachment 4015688
Some Trump supporters bemoan no longer paying for a college education from a summer job or purchasing a home from regular wages.
Some Trump supporters don't care for the Democratic Party.
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Now the KKK supports Republicans and Trump. It has already been explained to you hundreds of times, I'm sure, but you right wing dotards love to revise history and pretend Democrats in 1924 weren't southern, white, religious conservatives.It's absurd and false to say all Trump supporters...
View attachment 4015688
Some Trump supporters bemoan no longer paying for a college education from a summer job or purchasing a home from regular wages.
Some Trump supporters don't care for the Democratic Party.
View attachment 4015689
"Everyone else is wrong, not me."Yesterday I was coming out of a shopping center near a busy intersection. It has two "roads" divided by a concrete parkway - an exit with two lanes and an entrance with one lane. At the entrance is a sign that says "burger king drive-thru", which is correct as it is the way to get to the burger king drive thru. As I am pulling up to the intersection in the left turn lane, some guy is pulling in from the street and is headed straight for me the wrong way. He swerves into the correct lane while screaming "you fucking idiot" through his open window. Then he pulls a u-turn at the first opening of the parkway and comes after me. So I pull into the gas station across the street and wait. He is white and about 30. He pulls up and starts berating me. I sit patiently. Meanwhile the normal flow of traffic resumes and I point out that every single person entering the shopping center is doing so through the lane he was forced to swerve into. Meanwhile the lane I pulled out of - the one he called me a fucking idiot for being in was full of people using it to exit. I ask him to consider this and he yells "well they are all fucking wrong!". So I shrugged, told him I liked his Trump bumper sticker and went on with my day.
I consider this a worthy parable for our times.
I think he believes he made sense.Take a history college course you fucking moron. Sure, you will fail a few times, but just keep taking it.
Where is cheetohflunky? I'm sure he has something to say about these "manipulative liars." They have to twist anything and everything to reduce their feelings of cognitive dissonance. But it is always in vain.aren't you the guy who posted this as a "joke"?
and then you complained about being called a nazi and a racist?
you wouldn't know what to do with those paid models anyway, your dick does not work.
nazi loser. no wonder your wife left you.
also, good job to whichever idiot tried to cite 'blacks4trump', which is a literal death cult, to validate your total non-racism.
fucking idiots, all of you trump worshipers. and you idiots can't stop proving it.
Keep participating in the Colosseum games while the real racists continue to run the show. It's been working great. Divide people into groups, label them, criticize them and degrade them until everyone follows along. Single out one group as the evil in the world. Create fear. Make people take sides, Encourage this in the media. Propaganda wins in the end. Works for both sides to keep the division all while a choice few get richer and smile while American citizens are none the wiser (What book told you all the nice Germans wanted to burn a race of people or even knew that it was part of the plan?). Blame immigrants, illegals, white racists, BLM, antifa, Muslims, Mexicans, Jews, the spaghetti monster or anyone else that can be grouped or labeled that have said anything that can be exploited to further the goal.Take a history college course you fucking moron. Sure, you will fail a few times, but just keep taking it.
I'm not paying fucking taxes for him to make no progress.You blathering idiot. The best thing I can imagine is you getting a fucking education and realizing how fucking retarded you sound.
Money would be better spent on a mental ward.I'm not paying fucking taxes for him to make no progress.
At our town parade when the county GOP went by they were handing out candy. I said loud enough so they could hear, "that seems odd, some undeserving poor kid may get a free handout of candy sure seems like thats against their principles" the guy in front of us handing it out ignored me as i got a sharp elbow from the GF.. lolI went to a local town parade a week ago. More church floats this year. Some were handing out plastic toy soldiers. Most candy. You know in Appalachia you can still buy candy cigarettes.
I agree... its called implicit bias i beleive... i think many people feel if u dont say "n***er" in public or want to lynch black men then ur not racist...I think a lot of racist Trump supporters don't know they are racist.
I hope you check it out a little more than you did before posting the pic of your totally not racist Trump supporters. Using a google image search is pretty half-assed as a means of generating a rebuttal.Provided that's true (which I do believe, but this IS the internet), they're lunatics. But, I guarantee I can find a "black website" equally as insane fairly quick.
You'd win that bet too.I agree... its called implicit bias i beleive... i think many people feel if u dont say "n***er" in public or want to lynch black men then ur not racist...
These are the folks that would telll you they arent racist, they have a black and mexican friend at work, but are "umcomfortable" with interracial relationships.
i bet my bottom dollar that the average trump supporter has a higher level of implicit bias than the non trump supporter... implicit bias can effect a person against others of similiar identity than their own. It has been proven that many unfair implicit biases can be this way.
Most reasearcers say there are none of us completly devoid of these but some of us work to rid ourselves of them others dont care..
i am so sorry for offending and triggering you. allow me to safen up your space a bit by being more politically correct.why are all trump supporters bitter, hateful. and racist?
I just..
And the Colosseum games continue...
i am so sorry for offending and triggering you. allow me to safen up your space a bit by being more politically correct.
statistically, trump voters are older, less healthy, more obese, and whiter than the rest of the country. contemporary photographs and video reflect a group of unattractive, overweight, disability-ridden, unhealthy, angry, and violent whites attending his (KKK) rallies.
anyone who voted for trump did so knowing he called mexicans "rapists" and "criminals", claimed obama was a secret kenyan, promised to deport even legal immigrant refugees, ban an entire religion, and criminalize women.
so why are these ugly, overweight, unhealthy, old, and stupid trump supporters all (every single one of them) so racist and hateful and bitter?
again, these fat white morons never have had to deal with any of the hardships that any minority has had to deal with, so what has made these coddled white retards so bitter?