Why are LEDS better for vegg than mh and hps?

I have 600 watts leds, im growing kush bagseeds and my plants are really short 1.5 months vegg with 5 nodes of true leaves and 2 Nodes of normal leafs. Wats getting me worried is... It is only 6 inches probably 7. I seen poeple use cfl and 1 foot plants with same nodes as mime just alot taller in 4 weeks. At the rAte its growing it will be 3 months to vegg to a foot.


Well-Known Member
your plant is telling you its not doing so well, dont you see how bad those leaves are curling and that? I would worry about that more than lighting at this point.

the curling leaves you see is a failed attempt to fim, i actually missed so it just kept growing than i fim a second time a week later and got 4 main heads cant see cuz its too bushy.


Well-Known Member
if yo have a 7 inch plant with 5 nodes, dont complain. when it flowers, all those compact nodes will make for one giant donkey dick sized cola.........

itll grow.... size is mainly determined by genetics and rootball.


But, 5toned, at 56 days of veg that plant should be a bit bigger, no? The soil looks a bit questionable, but I stick to what has worked for me (FF ocean). I would also check out that LED light- is it one of those UFOs sold on Ebay for super cheap, most likely filled with Christmas lights? I cant talk to much on those LED UFOs cause I haven't tried them but over the years I have learned you get what you pay for usually.. How far is that LED light from that baby? Like i said, never used LEDs but saw them at an Expo and they put off nearly no heat-i would say less than 6inchs from the tops? Someone more keen on LEDS would be of more help on this specific detail im sure. Lastly, are you feeding that baby, and if you are, please let us know what :) Anyway, have fun and good luck!


Well-Known Member
for 56 days those bitches should be atleast 3 times that size.in my book here "The marijuana garden saver" it says
"SYMPTOM:the garden has bright light, is watered regularly, and is being fertilized as directed, but the plant leaves are very dark colored and the plant grows very slowly."
SOLUTION:if the above is true,PH is probably out of range.This prevents the plant from utilizing the nutrients.Without nutirents the plant cannot make use of the lightto create sugars for growth."

if yo have a 7 inch plant with 5 nodes, dont complain. when it flowers, all those compact nodes will make for one giant donkey dick sized cola.........

itll grow.... size is mainly determined by genetics and rootball.
Makes sense if it doubles in size, i heard LEDS are known to stretch typically UFO's but i have the opposite Experience the lights are from ebay but thier 600 watts with 6 fans 2w per bulb and eats a good ammount of electricity my bill got higher like 100+ a month extra for lights,fAns, carbon filters. Thier like 15 inches away above plants.
But, 5toned, at 56 days of veg that plant should be a bit bigger, no? The soil looks a bit questionable, but I stick to what has worked for me (FF ocean). I would also check out that LED light- is it one of those UFOs sold on Ebay for super cheap, most likely filled with Christmas lights? I cant talk to much on those LED UFOs cause I haven't tried them but over the years I have learned you get what you pay for usually.. How far is that LED light from that baby? Like i said, never used LEDs but saw them at an Expo and they put off nearly no heat-i would say less than 6inchs from the tops? Someone more keen on LEDS would be of more help on this specific detail im sure. Lastly, are you feeding that baby, and if you are, please let us know what :)
Anyway, have fun and good luck!
they are fed with hydroponics nutes, i messed up buying the wrong shit but gotta use wat i gots, i feed them earth juice grow 1/4 dose every week. Also i spray water mix with 1/4 strength earth juice catalyst every other day.
for 56 days those bitches should be atleast 3 times that size.in my book here "The marijuana garden saver" it says
"SYMPTOM:the garden has bright light, is watered regularly, and is being fertilized as directed, but the plant leaves are very dark colored and the plant grows very slowly."
SOLUTION:if the above is true,PH is probably out of range.This prevents the plant from utilizing the nutrients.Without nutirents the plant cannot make use of the lightto create sugars for growth."

PH is always around the 6.0-6.5


I dont want to speak when im not too sure but we cant tell the quality/true spectrum of light given off by that light, and unfortunately because it cost a lot per month doesnt exactly mean its the correct spectrum/type for you.

Perhaps, if you can afford a couple $6 commercial light fixtures from home depot, the shiny silver dome ones? They have a handy "clip" that you can easily attach to your pot on either side, and direct the light to the top of your plant. You can also get a few CFLs, from home depot, or anywhere really (dollar store?). Your gonna want 6500k (spectrum).This will tell us if it is the light.

As far as Earth Juice grow it does work in Soil, so that will be fine as far as food goes in Veg. Always start light, like 1/4-1/2 str, and slowly progress up throughout the cycle
to a peak.

If your foliar spraying, something I avoid, (not to say this is the best, just what i know!). It is best to avoid spraying during lights on-water sitting on leaf under heat causes burn spots. Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
move you led away further so plant will stretch if you want height but because is is being hammered with light it is stacking people who get tall plant dont have the nodes tight like your if u wanna see more height move the light up closer for flowering but watch those leaves that curling is caused when an led light is to close to the plant 600w led is huge for veg more of a flower light than a veg light but see look up irish 600w led grow he got good weight off his 600w led i use 2 90w led with 1w diodes for feg and mine are 12 inches from plant tops so try it see if it helps


Well-Known Member
agree with above.

Good LED's are high powered lights, and because of lack of heat, you can put them really close to your plants. This will result in very compact growth, especially if they start to grow into the light. Raising the light will stretch them, but a nice compact plant is not necessarily a bad thing.

It does seem like there might be something else going on, rootbound, nutrient, something, but hard to say for sure... It deff looks to have some sort of issue from the pics...
move you led away further so plant will stretch if you want height but because is is being hammered with light it is stacking people who get tall plant dont have the nodes tight like your if u wanna see more height move the light up closer for flowering but watch those leaves that curling is caused when an led light is to close to the plant 600w led is huge for veg more of a flower light than a veg light but see look up irish 600w led grow he got good weight off his 600w led i use 2 90w led with 1w diodes for feg and mine are 12 inches from plant tops so try it see if it helps
Dude u know alot about LEDS i was just trippin on why its so short but it makes alot of sense, thier so compact bcuz the lights are a foot or 2 away from the plantd and 600 watts is a flower type but im broke and only got 1 light. Id rather use it than trust mother nature with vegging. Plus rep dude you gots knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Dude u know alot about LEDS i was just trippin on why its so short but it makes alot of sense, thier so compact bcuz the lights are a foot or 2 away from the plantd and 600 watts is a flower type but im broke and only got 1 light. Id rather use it than trust mother nature with vegging. Plus rep dude you gots knowledge.
haha thanx bro been playing with led for a while i special trick i have learned i will let you in on, when you induce flowering add to cfls with uv 5.0 from your local pet store the ones made for iguanas you buds with produce more trichcomes that way start around 14 inches and slowly move them closer until plants show stress then back off an inch and leave them at that distance through out the flower period u will be pleasantly surprised.. one luv