Been watching this deterioration in social behavior for several years now. Especially the temper tantrums from leftists circles.
1.Couple summers ago I went into a subdivision (I haven't lived in town for over 45 years) to pick up something a fellow had up on Craigslist. It was a weekend. There was not ONE person outside. Not ONE kid shooting hoops or skateboarding, not ONE family picking weeds and planting flowers, NO ONE washing the car nothing, just nothing. Coming and going just nothing.
2.Anymore it's all about me and what I can get from someone else without earning or deserving it. Case in point is the $15 minimum wage. So you can't get outta bed to get a 'free' HS diploma but your DESERVE $30,000 a year because you consume O2? Really... Not how my momma raised me.
3.In a previous life I hired and fired folks. When we had a job opening I made two piles of the applicants. HS vs no HS diploma. The dropouts went in the circular file. Had enough of rousting employees out bed to earn a paycheck. The next sort was vets vs non-vets. Every person I hired was a vet with at least some college. NEVER had a bad hire.
The progressives victim/entitlement culture is here.
hello new sock puppet! welcome to the millennium that was created by us especially for our wonder they 'need' safe spaces..
And survey says..
for allowing it because of his precious team

the wheelchair was NOT a believable prop.
Ian Watkins is the former frontman for the Welsh rock band, Lostprophets. The band topped the U.K. singles charts twice, played at major festivals, and were beginning to develop a fairly large following touring in the U.S. That is, of course, until late 2012, when Watkins was arrested for “conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a 1-year-old girl, and with possession and/or distribution of indecent images of children and ‘extreme animal pornography.’” It gets worse.
Over the course of the trial, Watkins admitted to 13 sex offenses over 5 years, including the attempted
rape of an infant boy. Watkins involved the childrens’ mothers in his abuse, soliciting from them child pornography — a request with which they eagerly complied. Both of the women involved in the case sexually abused their children in order to please Watkins. Watkins told one of the women,
“If you belong to me, so does your baby.” One of these women even went so far as to promise Watkins a “summer of child porn.” Watkins’ reply? “Hell yes, baby.” He also claimed that he was going to force his infant victims to take crystal meth. After vigorously denying that any of this occurred, Watkins finally pleaded guilty to almost all of the charges as his defense became overwhelmed by a deluge of incontrovertible evidence.
2. 'deserve' $30k?..that's what it costs to EXIST where the fuck you been, ol skool?
3. never judge..