No matter where you are in the world, water is a precious commodity. Soon there will be no more left. Dont be that guy
Thanks. Yeah I’m not sure if there will be no more water left soon (LOL) that sounds highly speculative and fear you have a peer reviewed reference for this? What algorithm and data was used to model this? Are you an earth/water scientist? I know people fight over water all over the world...people steal (read divert) water from other land, it’s a major issue. But I think you have to be a little realistic too. Where do you think the water I put in my plants is going? Other than transpiration and a small amount of surface evaporation, I’m pretty sure a good majority of it is percolating down to the water tables/aquifers that feed back into the rivers that fill up the lakes and reservoirs down the hill. Where do you think the water is going? One major issue with water crises around the world is that water is not evenly distributed. That means, we have a ton of it up here, more than we can use this season probably and the reservoirs can only hold so much. It’s not like we can just pump whatever we don’t use to Cape Town...and if we hold onto it too long up here, then the reservoirs overtop and we get flooding....not saying we should just use it all up, but be realistic. IMO, urban overdevelopment, industrialization, water diversion are the primary causes of water shortages...that’s maybe where you should put that bright eyed puppy energy you got.
In any case, I didn’t put more than a bath tub of water into ONE plant ONE time, for educational purposes. That’s 2 cups of coffee worth of water...1/30th the amount of water require to make a pair of jeans...a handful of almonds worth of water.
Just so you know, I’m anti consumerism, I use only dry amendments for my gardening, I try not to drive when I don’t have to, I don’t run the water when I do dishes or brush my teeth, I don’t buy new clothes until mine are falling apart, I don’t drink bottled water unless it’s my only option...I do what I can.
EDIT: oh yeah, I pee outside too, so that saves about 1.2 gal/flush (~6-8 gallons/ I made up that flush water in 10 days just on that alone)...and no lawn here buddy, we let the annual grasses dry up and do their thing.
I’m not THAT guy...but you should try not to be THAAAT guy. Looking forward to your data on the world being out of water soon, and I hope you don’t wear cotton, drink coffee or eat nuts...otherwise you’re a major hypocrite.
EDIT: while we're on the subject, I'm actually really interested in developing a permaculture setup, but that will take a couple years to build. Since we're on a hill, I think we may be able to collect the water runoff into a pond and use a solar powered pump to get it back up the hill.