Why are my buds so small?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
so if I use just the Vita grow my numbers will be like 0-12-13 is this strong enough?
Yes mate, it's plenty. BioBloom organic is only 2-6-3.5, I use this as my base flower nute then boost with Mono-Potassium Phosphate (0-52-34) from midway through week 5.


Skunk #1 in Coco under 400w @ 7 weeks.
Here are the amounts we have found that produce the best tasting buds and strongest medicines:- 8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil with coco and Mycorrhizae (I am currently using 4 bags of Roots (40l) and 4 bags of Biobiz Lite Mix (50l).)- 25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
- 5 lbs. of Fish bone meal
- 5 lbs. Bat guano (Bloom formula)
- 5 lbs. Blood meal
- ¾ cup Epsom salt
- 1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
- 3/4 cup Azomite ( Trace element)
- 2 Tbs. powdered Humic acid (Optional)
looks pretty good what are your temp day/night/ , and i would recamend boomtastic by atami ist a awsome product, y r suposed to start it eather 4 to 6 week into flower and that will fatten and harden ur shit up man !!! u will notice a change in like 2 days i used it my first time last harvest and will use it every time now. BUT it is VERY VERY strong so go half strength till u get ur groove rite! GOOD LUCK HAPPY GROWING


Active Member
Flushing = washing your roots and nothing more, if you don't smoke roots, you're wasting water.

Yeah... flushing is great for removing salt buildup or solving lockout issues in soil, but the "end flush" is pointless. Side by side comparisons have been done with flushing and no flushing with no difference found. A failure to flush does not result in harsh, "chemical tasting" buds, the minerals from "chemical fertilizers" are just natural minerals from the earth, the same things you find in soil that plants use there...

What's actually important is the cure. You must dry and cure properly. You want your buds to dry as slowly as possible, preferably taking a week, and then throw them in a big jar just BEFORE the stems snap with a humidity meter... every time the humidity goes over 60% ventilate the lid, if it's not over 60% then don't do anything. Within 2-3 months of this the bud will be spectacular...


Active Member
Flushing = washing your roots and nothing more, if you don't smoke roots, you're wasting water.
Those ladies look good man. IMO ease back on the nutes a smig, lil tip burn, but nothing bad at all, thats just 'the' sign to ease back imo. keep up the good work!
Flushing is washing of the roots and nothing more? Hahahahaha And there I go thinking science is correct when it tells me that I'm adding unadulterated water to my plants root zone two weeks prior to harvest is merely just me "washing my roots". Let me school you in growing. Let me start by saying, your plants absorb their water and nutrients mainly through the root zone. When your using a solid media like rockwool, soil or coco your plants don't intake all the nutrients that you have administered. Some will build up in your roots and start messing with your PH, EC and PPM. This will lead to specific levels of nutrients that remain in different ratios, which obviously leads to lock outs. Oh and don't forget your build up of salts.

Oh and everyone loves when they go to light their cannabis and have to spark it twenty times just to get half the joint smoked (that's a poorly flushed product). Hear that sizzle and snap noise when you go to inhale that fat joint or bowl from your favorite bong? (that's a poorly flushed plant, the phosphorus is still there). Mmm nothing like a joint or bowl that has a black ash that remains at the end and not a clean white ash.....yup I guess flushing is me just washing my plants, and if I'm not smoking my roots I should just continue nuking my ladies and smoke the nutrients in the end. Don't know about you folks, but whoever smokes organic or synthetic nutrients must be insane, and I wonder how their body likes it.

Shouldn't be overlooking the "flush" aspect folks just because you want to increase your yields by 5-10%.