Why are my buds stretching??? (pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey, so i am exactly 9 weeks from when i confirmed females, 10 weeks from the start of 12/12 and the bud growth has been good so far. but in the past few days, for some reason, each bud grew a short stem ontop and then continued growth..... im not really sure why this is happening because i havnt changed the growing conditions (i.e. lights and watering) all throughout flowering.

does anyone know why this might be happening?



Well-Known Member
yeah i heard that heat stress can cause that too...also it has to alot to do with your light source to...your plant is probably still growing but is not getting enough light to fill out...thats why they say your buds tend to strech when you use fluros.


Well-Known Member
hmmm 9th week ? Seems really green still, too much nitrogen. Too much nitrogen during flowering causes stretching. I doubt it is heat stress, check your leaf tips incase.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty normal. Usually as the plant reaches its potential it gives a last ditch effort for growth.


Well-Known Member
there are currently 4 26W compact clf's and 2 GE plant & aquarium 4' T12 flouros.....
if they are the same "plant and aquarium" bulbs i bought at walmart they arent very effective, mine were at the 7800K spectrum which is about as useless as an economic stimulus package...... eiither way it seems like they are growing you more bud, so why you complaining? they look pretty healthy


Well-Known Member
my temps since its gotten warm out have been consistent 83-84 during the day and probably around 65ish at night....either way, i added a 300W equivalent clf today to hopefully reduce the problem of too little light. the plant is still green cause just last week i took it off its bloom nutes. she has shown consistant growth throughout flowering and no hints at slowing down so i didnt see a reason to take her off the nutes. I figured, well 10 weeks was just an estimate and im more than able to continue growing to 14 weeks so im just seeing where its going. dont want to harvest prematurly afterall.....

boneman- so you think now that its reached its "last ditch effort", it will work its way to ripening?

joker- was just wondering. it was strange that after 8 weeks of growth that it would all of a sudden start a different growth pattern....

proph- advice taken, stopped adding nutes and will not give it anymore if it starts to show signs of ripening, but if it continues growing, ill probably give it a small amount untill it starts getting red hairs and the trichs start to become milky....

LoundBlunts- as i said b4, the temps are between around 85 during the day and 65 at night. that should be fine right?