Why are my clones dying???

why are my clones dying. i have had them for about 9 to 10 days. and they are looking like this!!! Now, I just shook them out and got extra water out, and I have it humidifying barely. i have to spray like every two hours. I am kinda lost. Anyone have any ideas? I attached a photo. Please help!!bad clones.jpg


Active Member
Did you check the ph of the water they are being fed? if you are using tapwater make sure you let the clourine evaporate for 2-3 days prior to use.


Active Member
Is that rockwool you have them in ?

That's what it looks like, so I'll ask. Did you flush it well with the proper ph'd water ? (which is a very important step when using rockwool.)


Well-Known Member
all good questions.. my question is WTF lol.. no idk man im jus bein a dick by saying that idk ur situation EXAAACTLY so idk if this will help but if u can, heat the bottom of the tray and put about 500ml of phd water in it, or just keep using distilled water, distilled water is usually about 7.0 ph so not that bad, but ya considering ur using rockwool (use rapid rooters next time, might b called something different where u are) u want to balance the water to like 5.5 cuz the glue in the rockwool can make the ph pretty high. Now idk what size tray u have but thats the amount i put in mine so it fills the tray about a third of the way, becuz ur using rockwool, again, ur going to mayb want to airate the water with an airstone/air pump whatever. Heating the water not too much, i think the right temp of water is like 27 degrees celcius (canadian temp) idk but not hot or n e thing right, just enough that it evaporates over 5 days with the dome on it with the vents cracked a quarter of the way, this will make ur dome rediculously humid and u will have fat roots in 2 weeks, this has worked for me 100% i swear, so simple. Idk what ur grow is but if its a mini SOG or something ur going to want to invest in a heating pad with a temp on it look up what the right temp is for rooting and just let that shit get humid man.. mayb i had 100% cuz of the strain i had, just a lucky kush strain i came across was perfect for everything. Like i used rapid rooters and tap water and a little nitrogen sometimes even (not recommended usually to be honest but i didnt have a problem with it) and i didnt even airate the water in it.. i just let that shit go dry till the actual rapid rooter was getting a little dry then id fill it up again, i think id fill it up twice n that was good. hope that helps, lots to read i kno, but its late im baked and bored and u were the victum. in this case i hope helped aswell. keep em green dude peace


Well-Known Member
oh ya id also spray the dome and the clones once everyday, that was it, if u spray them every 2 hours that could be fucking with them too man.


Well-Known Member
i actually didnt even use a heating pad, i used a hot tray, one of those electric trays u get that help keep food on n shit, it was the perfect size i just kept it a foot under my tray and it was hot enough, my shit was in the basement at this time too so it was cooler down there cuz the tray was pretty hot to touch. had the perfect steel shelf for it from walmart. ne ways


Well-Known Member
If you really want to clone get an aero cloner and keep them temps at 79f you'll be good after that.
Thank you everyone for you help. I am doing just about everything you all are telling me, and i will see if that works. You all are awesome!!!! So far so good.


Well-Known Member
they are simply overwatered...put them in whatever you are using to clone with...I use a cloner most of the time, but I have one just in soil right now...but anyway, you don't want to keep spraying or anything...after 4 or 5 days you shouldn't need a dome or any spraying..they will yellow as they are growing roots...with the cloner I use no dome at all, and just stick them in it...in 4 days...Bam Roots! It is the clones want to survive that makes it grow roots...so if you are still misting or leaving a dome on too long then that drive never kicks in because the branch is able to get the moisture it needs to survive without roots...so take that moisture away and the plant will have to grow some roots or die.... Root or Die! Most cones choose life, but some stubbornly refuse to grow roots, and are promptly thrown out...


Well-Known Member
You just need to take the dome off and give them the choice...no more spraying and don't let the soil dry, unless they have roots, even tiny roots will need less water if you want them to grow...roots grow to find moisture....if the moisture is always right there the roots dont have to grow or branch out to find it...so make those clones get to work...you have done your part...you cut off a living branch and gave it a suitable place to regrow...now it is up to the plant...


New Member
If you are spraying them every 2 hours then that is FOR SURE your problem. When I put clones under the dome I don't spray them for 3-4 days. After that only once every other day. I take the dome off every day for 15 minutes to give them fresh air. Remove the dome after 5-6 days.


Active Member
imnot gonna read all this ..u didnt say if your clones have roots yet did u...if they do plant-em...they dont like the dome obviously.ill assume your ph is good....jmho


Well-Known Member
If you are spraying them every 2 hours then that is FOR SURE your problem. When I put clones under the dome I don't spray them for 3-4 days. After that only once every other day. I take the dome off every day for 15 minutes to give them fresh air. Remove the dome after 5-6 days.
they are simply overwatered...put them in whatever you are using to clone with...I use a cloner most of the time, but I have one just in soil right now...but anyway, you don't want to keep spraying or anything...after 4 or 5 days you shouldn't need a dome or any spraying...
LOL so which is it guys dont spray them at first or dont spray them at first?..I agree with missnu that those clones are definitively over watered, the roots can't even grow..they could even be rotting. If you know you have roots already I would transplant them into the medium and not water them until they need to be.


Well-Known Member
I don't spray at all if i put them in the cloner...and when I put them in soil I spray between 1-3 times....soil takes so much longer though...gets on my nerves...Then again perhaps I am leaving the dome on too long...the trick to clones is having few leaves, and trimming whatever leaves are left...lol. The nakeder I can make a clone the happier it seems to be...the weirder it grows at first, but then it is all good.


Well-Known Member
You just need to take the dome off and give them the choice...no more spraying and don't let the soil dry, unless they have roots, even tiny roots will need less water if you want them to grow...roots grow to find moisture....if the moisture is always right there the roots dont have to grow or branch out to find it...so make those clones get to work...you have done your part...you cut off a living branch and gave it a suitable place to regrow...now it is up to the plant...
I have been teaching people this same thing for years.I NEVER spray my cuttings,Dome only.The plant doesnt need to try and root if you feed it through the leaves.Props missnu...No like button anymore.


Well-Known Member
I mix a little food and cal mag in my soak water. dome on for week to two weeks and they all make it...most people just need to stop looking and touching there babies