Why are my ice plants doing this.


Active Member
So I have three Ice marijuana plants growing in a hydro system. After one month of veg I had 1 monster plant in the middle and 2 smaller ones on the sides. All plants were extremely healthy....best looking and fastest growing plants I have seen. They were growing 1+ or - inch, in 1 day. Then Yesterday I switched to flowering, put bloom nutes in, tried a scrog net but took it down later. And now my plants are all droopy. The don't look like there growing at all, I think there dying. I was thinking this was caused by putting my red flowering light in (which gets pretty hot). Does heat cause plants to droop? I still have my flouro light in there I just added the flowering one for more red light. Any suggestions on whats happening? Should I just use the flouro?


Well-Known Member
Heat can SERIOUSLY fuck up the plants. You can try raising the flowering lamp and then lowering it over the next few days/week, see if they respond to that.


Well-Known Member
I thought the leaves drooped when it was thirsty, but ur doin hydro so that shouldn't be a problem.... I had a plant that the heat got to as well, the leaves didn't droop, they curled under and turned almost white. Whats the ph ofthe stuff in ur res? Did u damage the roots?


Active Member
My pH is balanced by the nutes automatically. I don't think i damaged the roots but I did bump them against the side of the rez a bit while changing the rez. I will check them in a bit, maybe it was just the shock of new nutes, new light regime, or stressing while putting the ScrOG net up then down.

Fingers Crossed


Well-Known Member
... mine too...
If the red light is too hot, it's gotta go. Just doesn't make sense if u have to keep it too far away from the plants to stay cool enough not to hurt em, u'll lose lumens the further away it is, depending on the light, which isn't gonna help very much if at all.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible you're airstone is setting in the middle of your tank? Thats why the middle plant is blowing up? Whats you're temps??


Well-Known Member
if heat is a major problem you can try using some 2700k CFL's (you can make up for the lumens you'll lose raising the red flower light, as those CFL's aren't nearly as hot.)


Active Member
Cool thanks for all the reply's. Yes my air stone is in the middle. How do I get it to distribute the bubbles evenly?


Well-Known Member
How big is ur stone? If it's big, say a 3in round stone, try getting another one, and maybe put them between the middle plant and the one's on the sides. or get thre stones going, one for each plant


Well-Known Member
High Kool..

I'm thinking that you say the only thing you changed was the nutes, maybe your cookin em.
I'm just starting some NL99 and if I go above 775/1.55 EC they get droopy and green..
they begin to dehydrate (lockout) bcuz the nute too strong &| ph to low and then they become more sensitive to light and heat.

OR.. no mention of ph either Kool. If you add nutes, ph goes down.. Check Ph first.
when I do mine to 2.0ec/1000ppm/.5 ph (most normal grows, not the NL99) goes from 6.6 to 4.8-9.. I need to use some phup to get back to 5.6 ish.

Maybe I missed your setup somewhere else, if I did, sorry.:weed:

And unless you 'broke them' in the scrog net b4 u took it down, I can't see how that would do anything to them..