why are my leafs drooping down for?....anyone knoe?? please help

On Off Dem Grapes

Active Member
For some reason my leafs are droopin down....I just got some clones from the club n transported em into some soil.. please helllpp thank yoouu


Well-Known Member
For some reason my leafs are droopin down....I just got some clones from the club n transported em into some soil.. please helllpp thank yoouu

have you misted them and put them in a seedling tray with a clear lid
how long was it when transplanted
were they always in soil
fuck man i dont wanna sound rude but more info and someone might help

On Off Dem Grapes

Active Member
Its all goooodd.....I got some clones from the club....they were in rockwool already rooted.....when I got home I trasplanted em to a pot of mircle grow....I'm usin 4 long tubes and 2 cfls...their droopin down and some are goin crispy.. been in pot for about 3 days already


Well-Known Member
ok i hear that mg soil is shit cause its to full of nutes
crispy sounds like light is a little close
get some plastic cup poke a couple of holes in them
mist them inside
mist plants
put the cup on them upside down
light 24hrs a day
mist 3 times a day
read how to grow guide
it will help you to no end trust me i have learnt a lot here
search the formums
and im sure everybody will help
dont overwater and get good soil
you will find 20-40% perlite and pro-soil is a good starting point
im sure there is a tonne of other good ideas that people will share with you


Well-Known Member
Its probably the MG soil burning the shit out of the poor little thing if it's the 3 month time release shit if it is FLUSH,FLUSH,FLUSH find out what your pH is going in 6.5 preferred, and what your runoff pH. I could tell you if its potting mix it needs to be from 6.2-6.8 after you flush follow up with some kind of nutes high in nitrogen preferably fox farms (even tho I've had ok luck with it try to stay away from MG it's cheap for a reason) remember nutes lower your pH, to high or to low of a pH locks out different nutes. Also go really easy with nutes while they are young:clap:

On Off Dem Grapes

Active Member
There tooo big for plastic cups....I'm thinkin once my 250watt hps light comes in it would help out a lot....plus there in the garage n the garage getd hella cold at night


Well-Known Member
my 2 cents
make a tent
make something
they need a high humidity
or it sure helps
4 sticks 1 plastic bag
poke some holes
you dont need 250 w of fury
the other lights are better till its feeling better
then when its over shock
blam 250w hps
thats how i lwas showed how to do it
but each to there own
dont go drenching the poor fucker with nutes
just phed water for a while till its looking good


Well-Known Member
If you got them from the club I'm sure they have roots coming out already.
What happened with me when I got a bunch of clones and put them in soil they were droopy for a couple days.
I think it's just transplant shock and then the plants/roots have to get use to the soil since they have only been in rockwool/hydro set ups.
But yeah clones looked good when I got them, droopy the day after transplant, and then back to normal a few days later.
I don't know though if some of the leaves are gettin burnt. Some of the leaves like the ones they cut the tips off of were a little messed up but nothing really burnt.

What strain did you get?

and BTW I didn't mist my clones or put them in a humi-dome or anything, if they have roots coming out they are established enough not to need it.


Well-Known Member
listen to that dude ive only cloned 3 times im no pro
thats how i did it but cause the roots are good there is no need to mist cause they r already drinking throughi
the roots
i misread

On Off Dem Grapes

Active Member
i got 5 plants...i got 2 shiva skunk..2 jack the ripper and 1 bubblegum ....from last night my bubble gum went lil more droopy...but i think it should be fine


Well-Known Member
Couple on the bottom of the plants got a little yellow or a little nute burn or something, I cant tell, but all the upper and new growth stuff is perfect.
I think since I put them straight in FF Ocean Forrest it was a little hot for the young clones.