Why Are My Leafs Drooping...


Active Member
i sprits the leafs erryday water the soil everyday.......are they drooping because its gonna start flowering soon?


Well-Known Member
i sprits the leafs erryday water the soil everyday.......are they drooping because its gonna start flowering soon?
no...leaves dont droop before flowering...sounds like you are overwatering and the plant is struggling for oxygen. back off the watering until the soil is dry 1-2 inces from the top....


Active Member
ok...its in a 2 gallon now...should i step up to a 5 gallon bucket......i looked at ur grow house/journal...why do my plants look not not even close to as full as yours?at the same age cause mine is outdoors and yours is indoors


Well-Known Member
ok...its in a 2 gallon now...should i step up to a 5 gallon bucket......i looked at ur grow house/journal...why do my plants look not not even close to as full as yours?at the same age cause mine is outdoors and yours is indoors
yes..i would transplant to a bigger pot, but you wil still want to watch your watering schedual. the plants you saw in my sig are all in 3 gallon pots and are now getting water every 2-3 days. indoor plants under hid lighting do seem to veg faster than outdoors, but in a matter of time and proper care your little outdoor plant will become a monster:hump:....this plant was started from seed last may( which is kinda late but not to late for outdoor in norcal) it didnt grow for shit for about 4-6 weeks. and then it just took off. i got a litle over 8oz off this with no effort and little attention....


Active Member
i was looking and could it possibly be a nitrogen probem......and if it help i they are about 4-5 weeks ols and in regular ike poting soil with the lottle ball nutrients scattered around the soil.....the bottem leaves started turning brown so i ripped them off......then little parts of the leaf turned brown so i ripped the little bit off


Well-Known Member
i was looking and could it possibly be a nitrogen probem......and if it help i they are about 4-5 weeks ols and in regular ike poting soil with the lottle ball nutrients scattered around the soil.....the bottem leaves started turning brown so i ripped them off......then little parts of the leaf turned brown so i ripped the little bit off
get it out of that soil and into something organic or nutrient free...those little nute balls always seem to release at the wrong times giving toxicity and deficiencies.....


Well-Known Member
No, not enough nitro will cause yellowing starting from lower on plant and working its way up as the plant uses its reserves to make up. Too much nitro and you will see burn on the leaf tips if I remember corresctly.