Why are my leaves doing this???


I have an indoor plant roughly about 4 to 5 weeks old or so that ive topped two days ago, and want to put it outside today, but my older leaves are progressively getting more and more crispy until they fall off, and its spreading to the new leaves, this happenes with every one of my plants but they grow fast enough for there to always be new green leaves as the older ones die, i have tried to find out the problem by simply googling it but i cant really get a
straight up answer, WHAT IS WRONG?20130530_141600.jpg20130530_141252.jpg20130530_141626.jpg

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
If it happens to all your plants then it is def user error. Lets hear your regiment to try and get it fingered out. I'm guessing you're loving them too much.