Why are my leaves drooping?

K. Im seeing a bunch of issues here tbh.

How exactly are you watering and what type of schedule?

Planting multiple seeds at once in one pot is ill advised.

Very possible root rot. You are planting companion plants so you have to be watering the whole thing.

You just can't do that with a seedling in a huge pot. It will not dry out in time. The seedling can't take up all that moisture and it sits stagnant
Bet a fatty the root ball is soaked. Any takers? Accepting all raises within legality. LMAO.

I been here man. Started in a shed with incandescents and paint buckets full of MG and yard waste. Put your finger in there a few inches from the stem and roots. Bet you get an unwanted stinky finger with slimy filth.
I’ll check it out thanks brother
Not trying to be the "Richard" I so enjoy being on occasion. Actual experience. @Wizzlebiz pointed to it. Big pot, small plant...Big problem. My mix is almost 40% coco coire.

And your choice of cover plant is fine. Just competing at this early stage in growth. Plant must be bigger and stronger before they become beneficial and predatory.
I’m trying to build a living soil the best I can you know?
K. Im seeing a bunch of issues here tbh.

How exactly are you watering and what type of schedule?

Planting multiple seeds at once in one pot is ill advised.

Very possible root rot. You are planting companion plants so you have to be watering the whole thing.

You just can't do that with a seedling in a huge pot. It will not dry out in time. The seedling can't take up all that moisture and it sits stagnant
I try to water every other day. I’m in a very dry area of the US. 20% or less humidity.
I try to water every other day. I’m in a very dry area of the US. 20% or less humidity.
Are you just watering the area around the stem of the seedling or are you watering the whole pot?

The thing is as I had explained its just too much water for a tiny seedling. I'd seriously consider getting it out of there and putting into a solo cup with a seedling mix until it establishes roots. Then put back into your soil.

If left there it will be very slow to grow if it does at all.