Why are my plants flowering already??


Well-Known Member
I live in so cal and in late january i planted a single kush seed. It has grown to about 2 feet tall and real bushy. I think it is flowering cuz i see heads with little hairs on them. Is it a girl and will she go back to vegetative growth if I leave her outside? I can leave her outside until october so I want her to get bigger. Should I just leave her be?

Arizona Dude

Active Member
I live in Arizona and I also planted some bag seed in January in my back yard. I now have two females about 24 inches tall that have been flowering for about 3 weeks now with no sighn of converting back to vegetative. I think mine are going to go all the way. I found out that is common if you plant them too early.

Grow some

Active Member
good question. if shes in a pot you can leave her outside for 12 hours then put her inside your house in a dark place like a closet.


Well-Known Member
since it is already going to flower, I would leave it outside for 12 hours move it inside for 12 hours. if you leave it outside it will go back into veg and turn male... do it :leaf: happy 420


Well-Known Member
If you plant your plants outdoors that early they will start to flower pretty quickly because the sun still isn't up for as long as it should be and the plants think its fall, they start to bud and since the days are rapidly getting longer, the buds tend to have a hard time maturing.

if you have the means i would suggest you do as doobiee says and bring them inside for 12 hours and keep them out for 12, that should help them finish off

if you want them to keep growing i think you can just leave it be, and it will eventually reveg as the days get longer.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice. I will put her inside in the dark for 12 hours and hopefully finish her off. I can see the little buds getting bigger. This is my first plant and I cant wait to smoke her


ok i got a male....and it has all these little pods on it that let off this white dust..pollen of course....but i see like 2 or 3 hairs at the steam base of all the leaves....anyone know how much longer i have to go?


choped! ...i planted another in a differnt location and just checked on it...its growing like a plus sign...is this a female maybe?